1598 Tasting Notes
Sometimes… sometimes this is all I need. <3
This was the tea that I drank every day, all day, before I discovered loose leaf.
Sure loose leaf tea is superior to bagged BUT there is nothing like drinking the tea that made you fall in love with it as a whole. Twinings Earl Grey (original) does that for me too :)
Yeah it wouldn’t surprise me if this one was a gateway tea for a lot of people. :P At work we buy it by the case, which is part of the reason I drank so much of it – convenience, and better than coffee during my breaks.
I’ve had bad luck with my last two cups not working out (dumped immediately), so time to try an Oolong instead of a third black.
This is just what I needed!
First steep was 90 seconds as the package directed. It’s very creamy, buttery and has lots of spinach notes. It smells like tasty oolong and the tea itself looks barely yellow.
Second steep: 110 seconds. It’s a deep golden yellow this time around, and the creamy butter has subsided. I’m getting spinach notes still and other oolongy flavours. Very rich.
Third steep: 120 seconds. It’s almost orange yellow, and very vegetal. Very enjoyable.
Roodswing came over on the weekend for a bit of a tea swap and she left me with some of this. It tastes exactly how it sounds, and I love it. Nice and simple – nuttyish vanilla goodness.
The company sadly is lacking ALL information on its website, but hopefully that will change as I’d like to look at future orders! (Yes, yes, they’re a “local” company, but Fort Langley is still a few cities over. :P
Not much time to rate this but I like this. It’s warm and toasty and a touch creamy and it does somehow remind me of chocolate. I’m happy I grabbed a little pack,and it turned out great even with DavidsTea standard brewing instructions.
Do I store it with my black or white teas? :O
I’m getting low on this and, as I’m making an order of Murchie’s 1894 blend for the book/tea club, I made a cup of this to see if I should re-order it.
Sadly – no. Not this time. It has some really good notes, and there is an interesting taste where the green and black mix together, but I just can’t make myself fall in love with this tea.
Maybe I’ll add some green tea to my order instead. :D The prices for 2oz are just SO GOOD.
Oh wow. This is amazing! I had the boo-berry cotton candy the other day, but I didn’t get anything cotton candy-y out of it, so I figured I must have messed it up and didn’t rate it.
With this one? NOPE. It’s perfect. It really actually reminds me of sticky cotton candy. I made it iced, but I had a sip of it hot before I put it in the flash icer thingy and both hot and cold it is really smooth, really sweet, and makes me think of sticky tongues.
I see this isn’t a regular for 52 Teas. I hope they change this because I’m going to want more. :| But I have a full pitcher of iced tea in the fridge, and I can try to resteep my leaves tomorrow too.
I started off not liking this one and ended up ordering a bag anyways. What a great cotton candy fix!
This is what I have: http://www.takeyausa.com/products/flash-chill-iced-tea-makers/flash-chill-iced-tea-maker.html
You steep the tea in the little jug, and then dump it in the larger jug full of ice to instantly chill it. I guess I could use the larger one to just cold brew as well?
I guess it’s Superbowl? Totally not my thing, although I’m curious about Blackberry’s commercial. Can they be successful again? I have their tablet and I love it. It’s totally worth $150 – I use it around the house mostly but it’s never far. (And that explains why I’m on Steepster so frequently).
Anyway I’m watching BBC’s Pride&Predjudice miniseries, while I sip tea and play GuildWars2! Talk about multi-tasking! But I’ve seen this series several times, so it’s nice to listen to. I just watched the 2005 P&P movie earlier this week and now that I’m watching the miniseries, I sorta feel like the movie is mostly rubbish as it rushes everything! I realize there’s only so much time to express things, but the characters are sorta hard to understand when condensed so. Also, Lizzy in the 2005 movie goes from “I hate you Mr. Darcy” to “OMG Look at his pretty shiny house – what did I do?” in like 10 minutes. Bleah. It had some good points but I better just stick with the full thing.
So! Happy I have the miniseries.
I never saw the 2005 movie but BBC’s Pride&Prejudice was one of my favourite things leaving high school; I made a few of my friends sit down and watch it with me. 5.5 hours well spent.
My husband and I love the long BBC one! I felt like I got whiplash from how fast the 2005 one went. They didn’t even include much of the Wickham element at all! We have about four copies of the BBC one. Even though we own it, hubby buys it when he sees it at yard sales and such so we always still have a copy when people ask to borrow ours. LOL!
Totally 5.5 hours well spent!
And that’s great that your husband enjoys it too. :) Four copies is definitely a good strategy if you want to ensure you don’t lend out the last one and have it … disappear. :P I just noticed that there is a “new” version on sale at our bookstore – digitally remastered etc etc. :| Now I’m a little tempted to get it, even though my DVD is perfectly fine.
Hmm.. I should send you the rest.
Haha. You could but it then you would be sad that it was all gone. :p I’m sure there will be an eventual reblend so I’m not in any rush.