141 Tasting Notes
La la lemon, I’m noticing today has a nice strength about it tea-wise. I don’t know how to put it, but this tea is just strong and soothing all at the same time. I love the aroma of this tea. There’s something about a good smelling black tea with a hint of lemon that just says yummm.
I love this one… def one of my top Kusmi teas in my collection, though I love most of my Kusmi collection equally, they all have their own unique flavour and personality. Vladimir is very similar to Anastasia and St. Petersburg, almost like a middle ground between the two. It has the subtle embrace of flavour and and the soothing qualities of Anastasia.
Anastasia… my first love in the world of kusmi. And to this day, I still have it as a part of my coplection. today felt like te perfect day to just relax, read and have a kusmi day. I started off with St. Petersburg, andnow Anastasia… and perhaps I’ll finish off with Prince Vladamir later. I honestly love Kusmi tea in general because this company has so many unique and tasteful blends to offer. Anastasia is a earl grey orange blossom blend that gives the tea drinker a tender embrace of warmth, comfort and ease. Drinking this tea is relaxing even though its a black tea.
Well, Today I decided to be adventurous and try out a Matcha latte from Second Cup. Not going to lie, I was a bit nervous ordering it, but good thing I did, it is yummy and I know it will give me a much needed energy boost in a little while. I started tasting the foam at the top and the earthy taste was really strong, but once you mix it, it is a delightful taste. The earthiness is still there, but it is subtle and subdued. I am so happy second cup does lactose-free lattes. Yumm.
So this is the best of the TAZO collection that I have tasted thus far. I really don’t know why I have so lack of a love for this company, but I swear it’s because the teas are just so overpowering and lacking in an actual taste. I tried this tea as per a reccomendation of a fellow steepster and it’s not completely bad, like I said, def one of the best TAZO tea I have tried. This tea was somewhat relaxing and soothing when I drank it. If I go to starbucks again, that is what I will order.
Everthing about this tea just makes me think warm and soothing embrace. I really love this black tea from kumsmi. The caramel infused in the tea is the embracing feature and honestly, on a cold day when I like to walk outside or just do my homework, St. Petersburg is one of my go-to’s. I don’t like brewing a full pot of this tea, just the mug. But it is good for more than one steep ( abt. 2-3). So save the bag if you feel like having more later.
Well , for someone not being a big chai fan, I like this tea. And what I like most about it is the fact that it doesn’t have that distinct chai taste that I have come to dislike. When I first tried this tea, it was because it was the tea of the day sample and who can refuse a sample? Well I tried it and wasn’t completely sold. Then my cousin made a recipe from this tea and she said it was amazing. So I decided to buy a 50g bag of the tea just to try out the recipe. I made the cupcakes and they were amazing. Let’s fast forward a few weeks to Halloween day where I tried the chai again, but in drink form. It was Halloween and I was feeling spirited and decided to have a pumpkin chai latte. And it was yummy, been hooked ever since. I’m sad because the fall collection is no longer in stores, but I will for sure buy some online.
So I decided to give this tea another try … and I just don`t know how to feel. I thought if I added more than what was required it would taste more like something, but no. It just disappointed me again. Maybe this just isn’t the tea for me.
Milk?! Now I’m curious.
I know it was weird, but I was like, I feel like doing something different, and so I added milk to my Indian Summer today. be curious … IT WAS so goood :)))