217 Tasting Notes
This is one of three iced tea blends Camellia Sinensis has recently released for summer. A blend of black tea, green tea, guava, rose, bergamot, vanilla and cornflower it is quite delicious on a hot hot summer’s day (which we are still getting in the bucket loads here in Southern California at the end of August). I cold brewed this overnight in the fridge as per the directions on the bag and was pleasantly surprised with the results. The scent is mildly fruity and the taste is delightfully tropical with a hint of guava. Yum!
The first time I drank this I was a little underwhelmed, now don’t get me wrong, it was good, just not ‘Whispering Pines’ good, however the more I drink this, the more I’m drawn to it and the more I reach for it first thing in the morning, every morning. So, again, I should not judge on first impressions and honestly, maybe I’m just too used to teas that punch you in the face with their flavor. On second pass this is an impressively complex tea, it whispers it’s delicious flavors at you oh so subetly. Full of bready, caramelly, honey notes, I’m sad that this was a tea originally in my drink down list and it has now firmly (and rightfully so) asserted itself on my must buy more as soon as I run out list! Yum!
I have to say that your reaction is totally expected :-)
This tea is made for easy drinking. Something that you can make whenever and enjoy, but you can also really spend some quality time with, if that makes sense.
Glad you came to like it before you ran out! :D
The more I drink this, the more I really like it. I’m in the process of trying to sip down some of my teas (you know you have a problem when you’re storing tea all over the house because it no longer fits in the one large cupboard you’ve appropriated from the kitchen) and since I didn’t really reach for Rhubarb Vanilla Ale very much I decided this was a good place to start putting my reduction plans into action. Unfortunately the more I drink this the more I want to buy more as soon as the bag is gone. This has some awesome things going on in it, especially when you add a touch of milk, sweet enough on its own to not need sugar this cup bursts with fruity hoppy goodness. Yup, going back on my shopping list once done.
What a perfect little afternoon treat! I could imagine myself drinking this at high tea with scones (the classic British kind) smothered in cream and strawberry jam, cucumber sandwiches and shortbread (ok must now head to World Market to pick up Walkers Shortbread ASAP). Upon opening the cutesy little container you’re met with the prettiest mix of black tea and long golden marigold leaves and a sugary, candied, buttery aroma. Upon brewing it has the perfect little kick of sweetness to it thanks to the inclusion of vanilla. The perfect afternoon pick me up!
Not that bad but not that amazingly tasty either – just a little too typically genmaicha and not quite s’mores’y enough in my humble opinion. Yes, its buttery, yes, its a little bit popcorn’y, but marshmallow and chocolatey? No afraid not. I’ll enjoy finishing this packet as a tasty genmaicha but unfortunately it missed the mark for me in s’mores’y goodness
Pure heaven in a cup! I love that this tea has teeny tiny cedar leaves peaking out from all the tea – its the prettiest tea Ive ever seen in the brewing basket, greens and purples mixed together in different shapes and textures. Once brewed it has some definite caramel and vanilla notes but its that soft woodsy cedar taste that compliments the tea flavors that really pushes this over the edge for me from a great tea to an amazingly awesome tea. Must not run out of Rivendell – must order more of this soon!!!
We were in Napa Valley this weekend and there just happened to be Dean & Deluca’s in St. Helena where i could finally pick up some Marriage Freres teas without paying ridiculous shipping charges!! So I may have gone a little crazy and brought home almost more tea than wine!!
This is delicious with bold notes of chocolate and caramel and just a touch of toffee – it was a pure delight to drink it at my desk this morning with a splash of milk and it resteeped pretty well too! (You know at $30 for 30 muslin bags of tea that I was going to resteep these at least once or twice!). Next on the list… Marco Polo!
This one sounds really interesting and fun!
I could probably send you some if your interested :)
Oh I do love a swap…!