Steep 1: 3 minutes, 80 degrees C water, 450 mL
Very light coloured liquid (light yellow), smells like stale dried flowers
Flavours of dill and white tea, slightly vegetal. Overall, very light in flavour.
Steep 2: 3 minutes, 80 degrees C water, 450 mL
More tannins and tea flavour. Darker liquid (yellow orange)
Tastes of dill and white tea still present, but there is also a flavour like…minerals? Not exactly ash. Maybe more like musty, but in a good way. Kind of like dried osmanthus flowers. The liquid smells like honey, but doesn’t taste like it.
Steep 3: 2 minutes, 80 degrees C water, 450 mL
Additional flavours of dried plant matter: bamboo leaf and corn husk. Notes of grain and lighht fruits are present, but I can’t say which specific fruits.
Flavors: Bamboo, Bok Choy, Cherry Wood, Corn Husk, Dill, Grain, Honey, Mineral, Musty, Osmanthus, Tannin, Tea, Vegetal, Wheat