I love/hate all the colored sprinkly things Della Terra throws in there teas. It’s cut and fun and visually appealing. Fine mesh filters + sticky melted sugar is a special hell, though.

This tastes like a candy cane, though! Sweet and vanilla-y with just a pop of mint. It’s creamy without milk, but far better with.

I don’t know if I’m behind the sentiment, but a satisfying, well-rounded blend and totally covers a dessert-like mint tea craving.

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 15 sec 2 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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Today I’d like to sit and sip,
Forget about the world a bit,
Ignore the things I have to do,
And just enjoy a cup or two.
~Author Unknown

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I’ve been passionate about tea for over a decade and I’m finally spreading my hand blended tea wings!





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