A teapal sent me samples of the Malt Shop Collection, so I had a chance to try them all before placing my April Fools’ Day flash sale order.
Ugh, carrots. All the carrots. I just can’t with these melon/carrot teas anymore. This wasn’t as bad as Luscious Watermelon, but it was still disappointing.
Cantaloupe is my favorite melon to eat, and I’ve been searching for a cantaloupe tea for awhile. I feel like back in the day Republic of Tea had a cantaloupe tea that was really tasty, but I could be imagining that altogether.
To my tastebuds this blend tastes like a fairly nondescript melon tea with a very prevalent carrot flavor. It’s kind of like one of those hollowed out watermelons filled with a melon ball salad (made from every available kind of melon) that’s been dressed in carrot juice. Cringe. I should’ve known better. Carrot is one of those ingredients that I can always pinpoint in a tea. It’s a flavor that always lingers on my palate as well.
I bought 50g because I wanted to try cold-steeping before giving up the ghost. We’ll see how that goes.
Flavors: Carrot, Melon
I’m so glad I can’t taste the carrot. It’s all delicious melon to me !