This is really good with some soymilk creamer and just a touch of stevia (as I am trying to reduce my sugar intake), of course that combination would improve a lot of teas for me… but I think it helps to bring out the “cookie” flavor of this one.

My BF is trying to quit coffee and he drank some green tea this week instead. He ordered the Den’s sampler and says Japanese green tea is weird and it tastes like soup. Oh well! Of course being the tea pusher I am, said I would make up some samples for him to try because he should find one he likes and would want to drink every day. We’ll see if I can convert him ;)

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

Try some full bodied black teas or ripe pu’erh for your BF. Usually coffee drinkers love the rich dark taste. BTW, that soupy taste is what’s called umami – an acquired taste for sure.


+1 Ubacat. my hubby didnt care for tea but now every night he is like ok, where is your compost tea. i asked do you like it, he is like: i dont care! Stubborn man, doesnt want to admit that he likes it ;) i dont push.


Ubacat, I stated out on puerh when I was trying to quit coffee too. I think he was hoping for green tea because of the health benefits. Maybe a Chinese green tea would be more to his liking.

boychik – If we lived together he would probably drink tea every day since I am making it. If left to his own devices he forgets about it ;)


that explains. i do drink coffee but one cup a day ( used to be 3+). im not huge fan of greens, only w/takeouts or in asian restaurants ;)

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Try some full bodied black teas or ripe pu’erh for your BF. Usually coffee drinkers love the rich dark taste. BTW, that soupy taste is what’s called umami – an acquired taste for sure.


+1 Ubacat. my hubby didnt care for tea but now every night he is like ok, where is your compost tea. i asked do you like it, he is like: i dont care! Stubborn man, doesnt want to admit that he likes it ;) i dont push.


Ubacat, I stated out on puerh when I was trying to quit coffee too. I think he was hoping for green tea because of the health benefits. Maybe a Chinese green tea would be more to his liking.

boychik – If we lived together he would probably drink tea every day since I am making it. If left to his own devices he forgets about it ;)


that explains. i do drink coffee but one cup a day ( used to be 3+). im not huge fan of greens, only w/takeouts or in asian restaurants ;)

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My profile pic is of a pink dahlia at Golden Gate Park.

Hobbies include: tea, making art, animals, vegan things, buddhism, nature, creativity, books, writing, cooking, meditation, yoga.

I am a fan of many different teas but my favorites are blacks and oolongs, chai, also like darjeeling and pu-erh. I’n always learning and expanding my horizons!

Dislikes include: bergamot, jasmine, highly tannic or bitter teas, overly judgmental and bitter people. :)

Live in San Francisco, I’m a SINK (single income, no kids) and love the urban life, but traveling out to the middle of nowhere is always fun too.

I tend to not drink things I know I will hate so a lot of my tea ratings are on the higher side. Here’s my rating system, sorta

95-100 I love this tea and would like to keep it around

94-90 An excellent tea which I may or may not repurchase

89-80 Pretty good, above average

79-70 Acceptable

69-60 Mundane – Will probably drink it if I have it

59-50 Ick

49 and below Nasty


San Frandisco



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