114 Tasting Notes
Pass the Stash
All that I am hoping from this tea is that it evokes warm and fuzzy feelings. After all, I still call one of my uncle’s with a santa claus moustache and beard Uncle Fuzzy because I couldn’t pronounce his name right when I was a kid… :P
It is nice and spicy and oh so lovely light chai. It has a perfect amount of cinnamon, too. Talk about a warm, fuzzy, comforting, cuddle-in-a-blanket tea :]
Flavors: Cinnamon, Spices
Pass the Stash
This tea smells absolutely amazing. Ooo, is that the lovely smell of almond tantalizing my olfactory receptors? Yes, I do believe that it is so!:D
What. Is. This. I was not expecting chocolate. Okay, the chocolate flavor isn’t too strong, but it is still there. If I had mentally prepared myself for it, it wouldn’t have been so bad:P Minus the chocolate flavor, this tea would be way up there in my favorites. The almond and the cream are beautifully executed. I adore that strong almond flavor that springs out at the end. If only adagio made a blend of the almond and cream teas sans the chocolate chai…
Flavors: Almond, Chocolate, Cream
Pass the Stash
I don’t know what it is but garlic bread is glorious. It just tastes so delicious and makes my taste buds happy. As slightly repulsing as it sounds, if a garlic bread tea existed, I would jump right on that. Mmm…garlic..
ANYWAYS, this tea is so smooth. Oolong mixes so much better with an almond flavor than black or green so I really appreciate this base. As far as the almond goes, it is most definitely almond. No if, ands, or buts about it! Almond and oolong just seem to perfectly compliment each other.
Flavors: Almond
Never ever! One of my friends doesn’t like too strong of a garlic flavor.. I think that’s the closest that I have ever found. :P
Pass the Stash
If I had a list of favorite cereal, Fruit Loops would be no where near it. I find it sickenly sweet like unicorn poo.. so I was a tiny bit nervous to try this tea. Luckily, I was pleasantly surprised. I feel like they really hit the Goldilocks zone of sweetness for it. Not so sweet that I wouldn’t be able to stomach it but not too little sweetness that it has no resemblance to Fruit Loops. I do notice fruity flavors such as lime, orange, and raspberries… isn’t incredible how many flavors we can detect in a single brew?
This tea is not for me, but I could see other people really enjoying it.
Flavors: Fruity, Lime, Orange, Raspberry, Sweet
Pass the Stash
I was hoping for a super juicy peachy flavor..but that is not what this tea is. The green tea base is the strongest flavor in the cup for me and the peach is very subtle. I do rather enjoy the creaminess that sneaks in near the end of the sip. I tend to like stronger fruity flavors but if you enjoy lighter fruity flavors, this tea would be absolutely awesome for you:]
Flavors: Green, Peach
Pass the Stash
Yum, so far, this is my favorite tea from 52teas.. it is simply delicious! This tea is an explosion of strawberries and creamy goodness. The strawberry tastes fresh while the creaminess almost has a carmelly burnt flavor to it. I could see this being a perfect cup for breakfast. Mmm…just make sure not to oversteep this and it is so good. Highly recommend.
Flavors: Cream, Strawberry
Pass the Stash
This morning, I read Marzipan’s tealog on this tea and thought, “wow, that tea sounds really good. I’ll have to try that someday.” And I bet you can’t guess how excited I was when I pulled this tea out of the box…eeep!:D
I taste the juicy cantaloupe, but the watermelon flavor alludes me. I don’t mind so much as the cantaloupe is sweet and fruity. Very fresh and springy! As the tea cools, it appears to lose a bit of its flavor, better hot than warm in my opinion.
Flavors: Cantaloupe
Pass the Stash
Never have I ever had a buttered rum..but this tea reminds me of butterscotch:P The black base is strong for the first second of the sip then slowly fades into the butter-y butterscotch (so much creamy butter:P) flavor. A touch of sweetener brightens the flavor from a semi-flavorful cup to a cup brimming with flavor. Now I have an urge to try this with vanilla ice cream.. is butterscotch and vanilla ice cream even a thing?.. I feel like it would be incredibly delicious..
Flavors: Butter, Butterscotch, Creamy
What a fun tea! I love butterscotch and vanilla ice cream together. In fact, this is my favorite ice cream topper:
Smitten Kitchen is awesome. :)
The only butter rum thing I’ve ever had is the Life Savers candy. And they are very similar to butterscotch! :)
Veronica Wow, that looks absolutely incredible. Glad to know that this combination exists! I’m going to have to make a run to the grocery store so I can make this tonight or tomorrow:D
Cameron B. Life Savers makes a butter rum flavor? I had no idea! Cool!
The only time I can find butter rum Life Savers is around Christmas time. I loved the m as a kid!
albertocanfly If you make it be warned, it’s way to easy to start eating little spoonfuls of the topping straight out of the jar! Not that… you know… I’ve ever done that. :)
Pass the Stash
This tea leaves smell like a great cup of lemonade. Oh, yes, how can I not be excited to try this one especially given the summer feel of it? :D
There are so many fruit notes in this cup, it is crazy. It hits them all: sweet, tart, crisp, fruity, you name it! The addition of pineapple in this blend was genius, it adds a whole new element to what deceptively looks like a run of the mill citrus tea. And actually, with a little bit of sweetener, it tastes like Mountain Dew to me. This is especially humorous as I have just gotten 52teas version of mountain dew..erm.. I mean “Really Big Hill Dew”..(haha, I love this name)..and to me, this tea tastes more like Mountain Dew to me than that one does.
Flavors: Citrus, Pineapple
Pass the Stash
This tea really is delicious and oh so adorable! I love how there are candy corn just sitting amongst the black tea leaves, it’s so cute! The flavor was about what I expected with a mild sweetness nicely intermingling with flavors of vanilla and black tea-not too candy corn-y in my opinion but delicious nonetheless. I did not add honey to this batch as I didn’t want it to overwhelm the flavors in the tea. This would make a perfect October tea, though.
Flavors: Honey, Sweet, Vanilla
I hope you drank it in one of these!
LORD. Those are precious!
LORD. Those are precious!