As I started steeping the tea I thought to myself, “drinking a mustache does not sound at all appetizing.” However, this is quite enjoyable. It’s like a light chai. Think I’m going to steep it just a bit longer to see if I can get some spice added to it. (Best chai I ever had was in New Zealand from a street vendor who made it in front of me.)
At 30 seconds – Nie. I’m stopping it here. Good flavor and I’m a little worried I’m going to make it bitter. This is all without milk by the way. I like to try tea ‘pure’ before I add anything to it. The 30 seconds added on gave it a woodsy flavor and a slight minty..ish after burn. Doesn’t taste like mint but gives a ‘burn’ of mint.
Time for milk. Almond milk that is. But I’ve warmed t up too hot…
Ok It’s cooled down quite a bit but not enough that’s cold. I added what I considered to be a hefty amount. Honestly, I liked it better plain. Maybe it would be better with some froth.
haha gotta love Sherlock!
Blanket on his upper lip! That just gave me the heebie jeebies! :)
Ah, I just rewatched the moosetache episode. :D