I like it.
After a few sleepless nights, I’ve decided to cut back on caffeine for a while to see if it helps. I used this as an excuse to visit David’s Tea in search of a new herbal to soothe my weary brain.
Overall, the spring collection seems promising. I’m a fan of fruity herbal teas, especially in iced form, so it’s right up my alley. On first sip, this one tastes strongly of apple, kiwi and honeydew. It’s light but very sweet.
I feel like I could happily drink this one now and then, especially during the summer, but it probably won’t become a staple. I look forward to trying it as a tea pop, though. I bet that’ll be fantastic.
Flavors: Apple, Fruity, Honeydew, Melon, Sweet
I hope cutting down on the caffeine will help. I know what you mean, though. It’s so hard to shut off the brain when trying to sleep.
Tea pop, now’s there’s something I hadn’t thought of! Thanks for the idea!
I hope cutting down on the caffeine will help. I know what you mean, though. It’s so hard to shut off the brain when trying to sleep.
My brain shuts down real easy. It’s my body that doesn’t like to :D