630 Tasting Notes
I enjoy the taste of this. It is earthy and sort of resembles black tea. I prefer it steeped like crazy, 15+ minutes is best. I drink it when I feel crampy to help extend the life of any advil or pain medication I might be taking and it works well!
I really enjoyed drinking this. It didn’t remind me at all of the pu-erhs I have tried in the past, which all had a much more pungent flavor and a bit of fishy flavor in some of the first steepings. This was much sweeter, with no fish to be found!
I really enjoyed this tea, though I would not say it is the best white I have ever tasted. It does hold up well to many steepings when brewed as directed, and each was delicious. They were very light and sweet as a whole, with no additives.
The berry and hazelnut are very distinct here, which is nice! It sets the flavor apart from a typical fruity blend. There is a bit of a sweetness to it as well which worked nicely. I highly recommend this to people who like fruity teas, but this one happens to not rock my world a ton, even though it seems like it should.
This is the best earl grey I have ever had. I am not a fan of most others, as it is very light on the bergamot. I don’t taste the creamy notes specifically, but I imagine it smooths out the bergamot for me. Normally, bergamot makes it taste almost soapy it is so sharply citrus. This was wonderful!