133 Tasting Notes
Thanks goes out to QueenOfTarts for this morning’s sample of Creme Caramel.
There are small bits of caramel in this blend, which provides a nice sweetness to the brewed liquor. Brewed at the below parameters, there’s no hint of bitterness. The caramel flavor is enhanced with a little addition of sugar, but I don’t believe it’s strong enough for milk.
Overall, a decent dessert tea.
Thank you to QueenOfTarts for passing along a nice-sized sample of this! This is my first experience with The Persimmon Tree.
Upon opening the package, the leaf mixture smells sweet and caramely. I used 2 teaspoons of tea for 8 oz at the below parameters. The yellowish-brown liquor smells a tiny bit roasty and sweet. First few sips are toasty upfront, but end with the sweetness of caramel. Very interesting blend. I don’t really feel the need to put sweetener in this as it might overwhelm the toastiness of the tea, but I will for experience’s sake.
Post sweetener, the roastedness is much more muted, but the caramel really pops. Both ways are enjoyable! This is going on the shopping list!
Thanks again QueenOfTarts!
Rehydrating after being sick this morning – this is an excellent way of soothing a still queazy stomach while making my tastebuds happy.
Enjoying unsweetened! :)
Another sample courtesy of Fong Mong Tea – thank you!
Steeped 150 ml of 190º water with 3 grams of oolong for an initial time of 3 minutes. This produced a nice mild oolong – not overly vegetal. It smells more vegetal than it tastes. The second steep (same amount of water with a 5º and 1 minute addition) is a bit stronger in vegetal flavor, but smells less so. The third steep I think I may have left the leaves in too long, because I’m not fond of the taste. There’s kind of a bitter taste in it.
I really like the first steep the best, but next time I’ll try the full 6 minute soak.
Kinda surprised no one else has reviewed this tea, especially since there are a few stellar reviews on ATR’s website.
To be completely honest I bought a sample size of this (I really love sample sizes!) before I could pick out that licorice root is not my favorite additive to teas. I think licorice root to me is like rooibos for others… and yes, there’s rooibos in here too. Double whammy!
Anyway, out of the package the tisane smells chocolately and creamy like ATR’s Choco*Laté. But I’m pretty sure I’m smelling the licorice root in there too, but it’s faint. Brewed 10 oz. of water with 4 tsp. of tisane. 30ish minutes later I taste the warmed version. Hit in the face with chocolatey licorice root… Sigh
Iced, the taste is more chocolate with much less in-your-face licorice. Better. A bit of creamer, and the licorice mellows out into the background. I kind of feel silly adding sweetener because it really doesn’t need it at all, but it I do anyway and I think I like it best this way.
If I had to choose between this and Choco*Laté, I’m gonna choose the latter merely for the fact that the licorice root is kind of a downer to me. They taste rather similar anyway.
I’m finally getting around to trying this sample that I bought from my first order with ATR from earlier this year.
Brewed 10 oz. of water at the below parameters with 4 tsp of tisane. Strong, but not overly powerful. This is nice – it’s a lovely non-caffeinated version of lemoned tea. But the taste of the lemon is slightly creamy and smooth, not tart, which I like a whole lot! I can easily drink it this way without additions. I did ice half of this and is great on it’s own. A little sweetener brings out the creaminess more. Will be keeping this one on hand!
Thank you to QueenOfTarts for swapping this!
It smells amazing in the bag! Yes, a little reminiscent of my lemon scented 409 multi-surface cleaner, but I’m not worried. I keep huffing the bag that the tea came in – it’s pretty awesome!
Steeped 2 tsp in 6 oz. of water that was 167º for 3 minutes = probably the best flavored green tea I’ve enjoyed in quite awhile! 3 oz. were reserved for hot unadulterated consumption. It was a little stronger than I like, but easily fixable. The other 3 oz. were iced and lightly sweetened. I like it best this way, but maybe that’s because it’s currently hot and summery out. Drinking it this way is like taking a mini-vacation to a tropical place – laying in one of those really comfortable lounge chairs under an umbrella in a bikini on the beach. I think I just talked myself into ordering a large bag of this…