1118 Tasting Notes


This was a thank you gift from a friend because I babysat her kids. She knows me so well to pay me in tea! :) This is one of her favorite herbals, so I was excited to give it a try even though rooibos is very hit or miss with me.

Yay! This one is a hit. The rooibos has an earthy, nutty flavor which combined with the ginger, clove, and cinnamon does taste pie-like. Adding some sugar and milk really took this to the next level. I don’t know if I get the crust or bready notes, but it is a great creamy pumpkin spice tea. The fact that it is caffeine free is a big bonus.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

Haha! You know you’re addicted to tea when…it becomes a currency!!!


Ha! That’s so true. And I was doubly excited because it was a tea I had never tried form a company I had not heard of. I spent a while tonight browsing their site seeing if there was anything I just had to have. :)

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drank Eight Candles by Della Terra Teas
1118 tasting notes

I met a friend of mine for lunch at one of our favorite Italian restaurants. It was great visiting with her and sharing a delicious meal. I managed to say no to dessert even though this place has the best gelato I have ever tried. That’s saying something since I live just outside of Philly, a city that takes their cheese steaks and gelato quite seriously. Since I managed to avoid temptation, and because I was chilled from the walk home in the rain, I decided a dessert tea was in order and chose this one.

While I’m still not as in love with this tea as I used to be, today’s cup was very nice. It was heavy on the caramel with enough of the sweetness from the marshmallow to give it a dessert-in-a-cup kinda flavor. It definitely warmed me up and made me feel like I was having a nice treat (without all the calories) at the same time. Win!

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 6 OZ / 177 ML

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drank Tropical Green by Harney & Sons
1118 tasting notes

I was babysitting for a friend this morning and decided to bring a travel mug of this tea with me. It turned out to be a very good idea because it is a cool, rainy day here, and the walk to her house was much more pleasant with something warm to sip.

The pineapple flavor in this tea is so good. Sip and sigh good. It’s sweet, juicy and taste like fresh pineapple rather than the dried candy- like pineapple. The base tea has a clean grassy flavor that compliments the pineapple nicely. It’s a very tasty tea. Perfect tea for a rainy spring day.

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Tea of the morning.

This is a nice blend. I taste malt and a hint of orange with some generic nuttiness at the end of the sip. There is a hint of astringency, but it is only a hint. Out of curiosity I added a bit of sugar and milk to my cup. The orange note is highlighted a bit more, and the nutty flavor taste more like pecan. Nice. Really nice.

This isn’t a super bold blend. It’s more of an English Breakfast rather than an Irish Breakfast. It’s kind of a soft nudge to get you to wake up instead of a loud alarm clock and bright lights. Since I’m one of those people who needs a loud alarm clock I think this tea will become an afternoon pick me up. The flavors are so nice I’m thinking this tea might give my beloved Darjeelings a run for their money as my go to late afternoon cuppa.

Boiling 3 min, 30 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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Sipped on this while making dinner. There was a fair bit of pepper in my infuser this time. At first it was nice, an interesting twist with the mint and the tea. By the end of my cup, however, it was all I could really taste. Drinking black pepper tea is not the most pleasant of experiences. This was the last teaspoon of this tea, so I guess most of the pepper settled to the bottom. If I ever order this from DT I’ll have to remember to shake the tea up before using it.

180 °F / 82 °C 3 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 6 OZ / 177 ML

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Since I’ve lowered the water temperature I use to steep Darjeelings to around 190 degrees I have been so much happier with them. This particular tea is greatly improved by using less than boiling water on the leaves. I get all the wonderful flavors in the tea and while cutting the astringency in half. Being that it is Darjeeling tea I would be disappointed if there weren’t some dryness, but now the other flavors have more of a chance to shine.

The first thing I taste with this tea is a bright floral note mixed with pear. Then there is the muscatel flavor which becomes more pronounced as the tea cools. It is so nice. Much better than the last time I tried it. I definitely reached the bottom f my cup too soon.

Upping the rating on this one. I put it at 79 before.

190 °F / 87 °C 3 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

Yay for finding your sweet spot with this tea :-)

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I like this one. The main flavors are rose and lavender with the pu-erh giving an underlying earthiness to the tea. The base tea also gives off the hint of spice. It’s something that is hinting at cinnamon but isn’t. It actually reminds me of the smell of the air in the mountains early in the morning. There is a clean, spicy scent that I love. It sounds like this tea should not work – rose, lavender, earth, spice – but it does. The blend of flavors works very well. I’m not tasting the jasmine, but I’m not missing it either.

I’d like to pick up more of this tea. It’s not something I’d drink everyday, but I would enjoy a cup every now and then.

180 °F / 82 °C 2 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 6 OZ / 177 ML

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Thank you Just Organic Tea for sending me this sample!

This is a nice and delicate chai. It is not super spicy. I like the balance between the tea and the spices. One does not drown out the other which makes for a nice sipping experience. I did add the organic sugar packet that JOT sent with my tea samples. It was just the right amount of sweetness for my cup.

This isn’t my favorite chai, but it is a chai I’d would happily serve at a tea party or with friends who may be uncomfortable with super spicy teas.

195 °F / 90 °C 4 min, 30 sec 1 tsp 6 OZ / 177 ML
Christina / BooksandTea

I just got my Kickstarter survey from them last night, and this was one of the teas I requested 2 oz of. This tea can’t come fast enough!


This was my favorite of the bunch of samples, definitely on the top of the list of teas I’ll be requesting on my kickstarter survey I just got from them!

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My before bed tea. I popped my last tea bag into my mug and am happily sipping away at this while reading other tasting notes. This tea has a nice flavor. It’s mostly chamomile and vanilla with just a touch of sweetness from the honey. The smell is amazing. I need to find a way to make my house smell like this all the time.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

I’ve only got one or two bags of this left. I’m being very careful about spacing them out, because I’m still not allowed to buy anything. Not even something such as this. I find the honey really comes out with a long steep like you did. Shorter, it’s more vanilla-y.


I have never tried a short steep with this one! In fact, I often leave my tea bag in the mug. When I am sick, which is when I often drink this tea, even taking the bag out is too much work. I like it because the last few sips are almost like honey syrup which is comforting on a sore throat, but I’d love to try this tea with more vanilla notes. The next time I pick up a box of this I’ll have to remember to try a shorter steep time. Thanks!


I prefer the long steep myself.

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I took this tea with me while I ran errands this evening. I over steeped it, so I didn’t enjoy it as much as last time, but it was still a drinkable cup. Most of the apple flavor was lost, but what was there was tasty.

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Tea obsessed since 2010.

My Rating System:

100-95 = Teas I actively seek out and keep in my pantry. If you are a guest in my home chances are I will offer you one or all of these teas. Also, if/when these teas are discontinued I openly mourn their loss.

94-85 = Teas I truly like, often have in my pantry, and sometimes restock. These are my variety-is-the-spice-of-life teas.

84-75 = They’re good teas and I enjoy drinking them on occasion.

74-65 = These teas are ok, but not really my thing.

64-55 = meh.

54-45 = I will if I have no other option.

44 and below = Coffee, please.


New Jersey, USA



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