1118 Tasting Notes
Hmmmm, this had a decidedly cardboard taste to it. I think I may have over steeped it. I’ll probably lower the water temperature a little and keep a close eye on the clock the next time I make it. Even with the cardboard I could taste the pineapple. Hopefully next time I’ll get a more cake-y flavor out of it, too.
I have been trying for years to stop drinking diet soda. My success has ranged from a few days to two months, but I always end up reaching for a Coke Zero or Diet Dr. Pepper at some point. I know it’s unhealthy, and I need to stop, but I’ve accepted that just stopping won’t work. I’ll need to replace the diet soda with something else. So, I’m keeping cold brewed teas in my fridge so I can reach for those instead of chemical filled carbonated water when I want something cool to drink.
I really enjoy this tea as a cold brew. The flavor of the green tea is very crisp and clean with a slight grassy flavor. The blueberry is more much more subtle in the cold brew than when it’s steeped in hot water, but it is the perfect amount of fruit next to the base tea.
@Indigobloom – I’ve never tried Kombucha. One of my friends makes it, and I have to admit that it scares me. It looks like an alien brain in a jar….
@Fjellrev – Thanks! I don’t beat myself up when I slip up, but I do want to kick this habit. Baby steps all the way. :)
My Whispering Pines order arrived yesterday which means that this lovely is back in my cup today. The rest of my order is actually a Christmas present, but I knew I wouldn’t be able to hold out once I had this back in the house. Thankfully I bought a whopping four ounces, so two of those ounces are back in the tin where they belong. The other two will wait under the tree for me. :)
The tea… it’s full of chocolate notes as well as cherry, malt, and honey. Once the tea cools there’s a deeper molasses flavor. There’s also the taste of multigrain bread which is so good when combined with all of the other flavors going on in this cup. The tea is moderately thick, smooth, and not astringent. It resteeps very well with more bread like flavors coming out in the second and third steep. Delicious!
I haven’t tried lots of pumpkin flavored teas this fall, but out of the ones I’ve tried this one has the most pumpkin flavor. It’s really nice with honey and milk.
I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again, this tea is freakin’ awesome. This is a go big or go home kind of tea which I love in a chai. Everything from the spices, to the fruity note, to the smokey finish, to the over all smoothness of the tea is BIG. And delicious. It’d be so easy for one part of this tea to overwhelm the rest, but it’s well blended and has great balance.
Love, love, love.
Vanilla- eggnog-creamy tea goodness. Sugar and creamer added ‘cause it’s even more delicious that way. :)
It looks interesting but dessert teas always worry me – they usually have chicory/carob in them (not a fan lol)
@Indigobloom – It doesn’t say that it has chicory or carob. The ingredients are: black and green tea, natural eggnog flavor with other natural flavors (soy lecithin), cinnamon.
Of course, “natural eggnog flavor with other natural flavors” could be anything. Vague ingredient lists can be incredibly frustrating.
This came to me from ThainofBuckland as part of the Christmas Card swap. Thank you!
This is a slightly smokey tea. I can also taste a bit of sweetness, but other than that I’m not picking up much flavor. It’s not astringent or bitter, which is good, but there’s not a whole lot going on flavor wise in my cup.
Flavors: Smoke, Sweet
I’ve taken to drinking bright, fruity, and floral teas in the afternoon as my way of combating the blahs I feel from it getting dark so early. It lifts my mood every time. I should probably add my green and oolong teas to the rotation, too. The rest of the day I’m all about heavy winter or dessert-y holiday teas, but four o’clock is reserved for lighter teas!
I haven’t had this tea in quite a while, but it doesn’t seem to have suffered any loss of flavor. The pear flavor is still really good with the floral notes following. I actually forgot what a nice pear tea this is. It also does an excellent job of bringing an iced wine flavor to tea.