Happy Independence Day to Steepsters in the U.S.!
I’m back from my camping trip a couple of days early thanks to hurricane (now tropical storm) Arthur. We figured it was better to cut the trip short than risk getting stuck at a remote campsite during a bad storm. While I am a bit bummed about not camping on July 4th it is nice to be home safe and sound… with my teas.
I spent the morning catching up on the news including several articles on Scotland. It immediately made me crave this tea. It’s such a thick, rich tea that’s full of wonderful malty notes. It’s not complex, but it is invigorating. In up fact, I’ll probably pick up a tin of this one after I use the sample I bought and finish the tin of Irish Breakfast I have sitting in my cupboard.
Oh good, I have this but I haven’t tried it yet.
It’s a CTC which made me a bit hesitant at first since those can be very hit or miss, but this is a good one.