709 Tasting Notes
This tea continues to be delicious. I find it to be a very juicy tea, and I’d like toc all it rounded, though I don’t know why. The taste of the currants fill my whole mouth, and there is a lovely juicy flavour the whole way through. It does surprisingly well with a resteep, adn I think I will pop the bag back in some hot water once this cup is gone. I’ve never eaten a currant on its own so I can’t speak to authenticity of flavour, but it is delicious!
I had an unusual desire for this tea this morning. It continues to remind me of peach juice from Timmies and I think it would be perfect for a tea party with my little cousin. Something to consider!
There is a hint of that Kool-Aid aspect to this tea, but I think that is hibiscus more than anything. I don’t mind it the way that many do, but I really would appreciate it if Celestial Seasonings could back off the hibiscus already. It’s starting to scream desperation.
All that said, I really need to bring some loose leaf to work. I had brought it home over the weekend, and now I am living on bags and spearmint, but I try not to drink mint tea when I’ve got heartburn (a terrible stress reaction that I hate!) I think I wish I had some Love Tea #7 right now..
It’s so strange for me to actually pay attention to steep length. I left this in for only 1.5 minutes as I’ve learned I like it best around that point. It seems a shame to throw the bag away when I know it wants to keep on steeping, but this is just the taste I prefer. I’m a wuss! Anyway, I’m enjoying a hot cuppa this morning, while my view is totally obscured (once again!) by snow. I’m contemplating a dash of milk, but that is just an urge for unnecessary fat and this tea tastes lovely on its own.
I poured myself a mug of this last night to sip in bed while watching a show on the laptop with the beau. All seemed innocuous enough until all of a sudden the show is over and I realize I fell asleep almost right away! At least I got a few sips in.
So…I am drinking the rest of it cold right now as my breakfast tea. : )
I wouldn’t like to credit the tea, but I did have some vivid dreams last night. Very weird ones..
Yum. Having this tea in one of my favourite treats – a nice big mug of hot chocolate, with the mint tea kicking it up a notch.
Do you simply brew the spearmint tea and then use it instead of water for the hot chocolate or are you doing something more complex here?
Well, this is the first time I have drank this tea knowing what it is going in. I tried my best to keep an open mind, but I still don’t like it. It has that Kool-Aid flavour that I find typical of Celestial Seasonings’ berry teas, and it might just be my least favourite of the sample pack. So far my only success with CS is in the True Blueberry, and I think i like the Peach one. Only one bag left of this, and I won’t miss it.
If I think long enough and know that it’s supposed to be black cherry, I can taste it, but it’s hidden under the Kool-Aid. I also think it’s only because I know that black cherry is theoretically the flavour.
Got this yesterday. The smell is strongly rooibos, with a strawberry jam smell as well. The taste is more rooibos than strawberry, but there is definitely some berry in there. Definitely more like jam than berries, once again. Enjoyable, but it reminds me of something.. anyway. I’ve got enough berry rooibos’ that this one doesn’t stand out enough to rebuy, I think.