709 Tasting Notes
I think I love this tea. It’s really hitting the spot right now – amazing berry flavour, and I still think it’s the blueberries that are really shouting at me. But a sweet blueberry flavour, maybe like a blueberry syrup or over-ripe ones. I’m making pancakes for breakfast with blueberries, so this is perfect!
Upping the rating…Had two mugs of this today at a friend’s house and really enjoyed them. I went for boiling water with a shorter steep time, maybe 3 minutes the first and 6 or 7 the second. I did my usual 1 tsp of tea to two mugs, then resteeped for two more, so that was a good tea ratio. This tea has a richer deeper flavour that I enjoy when I am looking for something non-sweet and non-berry. Really hit the spot, and I think I’ll be turning to it more often. Still a strange smell though!
Yummy nummy tea. I was feeling the need for something spicy and tea like, and wanted to try this out. It smells of ginger and cinnamon and delicousness. Don’t have the energy to describe it, but it’s extremely reminiscent of chai. I like it!
It’s really interesting to be so aware of one’s tastes changing. As I drink more and more tea I find myself rarely (if ever) turning to any additions. No honey, no milk, nothing. I also find myself turning more to teas I didn’t previously like, largely unvlafoured blacks, or teas with little flavouring. I think it is a counter to all the berry flavoured teas I so regularly consume. Either way, I turned to this tea largely because nothing else in my tea drawer was appealing to me. I really do need to get a nice bagged chai, I think. The PC one is so-so, but I want a richer one. The thinness of it is extremely confusing. Anyway, A nice cuppa this with no additions was the thing I wanted. Satisfying, though still plan. But hey, that’s what it’s for! : )
This continues to be one of my favourite bags to steep, if only because it is just so beautiful! The purple/red seeps out bit by bit and you can see the swirls of colour mix about. I like to pour the water then sit the bag on top, that way all the colour swirls out but tends to sit on the bottom. Then I get to stir it and marry the flavours with the water! Might as well be a fun experience, if nothing else…
I made this tea to go with breakfast. Dry, it had a lightly orangey smell, smelled very fresh orange, if that makes sense. I steeped 1 tsp of leaves for two mugs, because I always try teas out that way, to test their strength and to make them last.
I noted a lighter liquor at first, but it eventually steeped up to a deep orangey colour. The smell of the steeped tea was very lightly citrus, and reminded me of a standard orange pekoe. The beau felt the same way, and we both noted a mild taste, again reminiscent of an orange pekoe. I let mine sit for a few minutes though and noticed a deeper flavour as it cooled. It became easy to see that it wasn’t a black tea, though I don’t know enough about oolong to say it tasted like an oolong specifically.
I think I may have over-heated the water as I am not so great with paying attention to temp (no thermometer) and am, as I said, a bit of an oolong novice. All in all I had a nice cup of tea, mildly flavoured but really nice. The beau says it’s not a re-buy because of price point, but I think that if I put more leaf, he might be more impressed. We’ll see how this goes!
Big mug of this to get me to work today. I forgot to put the water on in time so it didn’t get as warm as usual – but it was enough to get me through my -15 degree walk. I even missed the bus, but in a stroke of good fortune the driver stopped for me partway down the hill (there are advantages to taking the same bus every morning – Occasionally one lovely driver will take care to look for you!) Now I am finishing up the last traces of my delicious Ruby Red. I actually transferred the last bit to my regular mug as there were bits of rooibos floating around and annoying me, and when I transferred the tea I got a bit hit of pineapple. I can’t imagine why, but all of a sudden I seemed to be able to differentiate flavours. Magic!
Re-steeped this morning’s leaves this evening while supper was cooking. The flavours were extremely muted, likely because I made 4 cups out of one tsp. Still nummy, though the beau would have appreciated more flavour. Apparently. : )
I wanted to order this one but I was worried it would tend towards cough syrup flavor. You aren’t getting any of that? If it’s more blueberry then I’ll definitely have to order some.
Well, I can’t remember having had any flavoured cough medicine before (I take as few meds as possible), but I don’t think so. I’ve asked the beau (who also hasn’t had fruity cough medicine, lol) but he shook his head and gave me a look when I asked. I’m gonna stick with no, because I do know the ugly underlying medicine taste that can sometimes happen in things.
Cool, thanks!