709 Tasting Notes


Having a delicious pot of Through the Grapevine. Hopefully will enjoy another pot of the spent leaves when I get home. It’ll be a nice reward for running errands. Lovely white tea taste, strong grape smell and relatively strong flavour. Such a nice tea..

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Finished up the last of my bags of this. I am having a good time clearing out some teabags at work, though then I will need to get something in here to replace it. I have a mad desire to buy one of David’s Tea’s perfect tea mugs (http://www.davidstea.com/accessories/the-perfect-tea-mug) but recognize it as unnecesary. I just think it would make tea at work so much easier, since I’m always brewing for one. Maybe the beau will clue in and get me one as a semi-surprise someday : )

200 °F / 93 °C 4 min, 0 sec
Michelle Butler Hallett

I hear ya on the mug. The fact those mugs come with a lid thrills me.


I’m hoping the beau decided to check Steepster today and read this…I’ve been hoping for weeks that it would come to him on his own, but I figuer a big prod might help. : )


We….have four >.> We love them. I’ve got a friend who swears by his at work. I think they are well worth the money! (Hint hint, beau!) I just couldn’t resist the pink spring one!!!


Nothing prods better than mysterious packages showing up on the door step…;)


They have a pink one? I didn’t see it on the website. :( I think we need some DavidsTeas here in the US. At least in Michigan.


I’m sure they’ll make their way down eventually. The rate of expansion for them is pretty surprising, to me at least. However, if tea really does become just the trend that major news media like to say it is, then they’ll all get shut down at some point too : (


It’s one of these, QuiltGuppy http://www.davidstea.com/what-s-new/2011-spring-collection-perfect-mugs We actually have all three of those, they’re so pretty!


Wink, wink, nudge, nudge, say no more, say no more, a nudge is as good as a wink to a blind man.


Thank you, ladykittyKat! I ordered two… The white with lime and the pink. And some tea… Sigh… Another package to smuggle into the house! ;)


I’m so glad I’ve encouraged everybody to buy more things! I want one for home and one for work, but I can’t deide on colours, therefore it’s not up to me. : )

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Steeped up some of this in my travel mug before I left. I know better than to leave a black tea sitting for an hour, thank heavens. Thanks in part to my toothpaste, I am mostly just getting mint this time around, at least at first. Still not as dominant as the plain peppermint from Sawadee, but I am enjoying the subtle flavour of peppermint mixed with the mild black tea. It’s barely there, but it sort of adds depth to the tea. It taste more…full?

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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drank Lemon Zest by Joy's Teaspoon
709 tasting notes

Mmm, in the tin it smells creamy dreamy vanilla lemon pie wonderful! This smell doesn’t translate quite as strongly to the cup, but the flavour is still a lovely vanilla tinged lemon pie, not sharp, bitter or lemon peel-like at all. I haven’t had this treat in a little while, but it is great to return to on an early Monday morning. The sun has almost started getting up at the same time as me, and with a pot of lemon zest beside me, all is right in the world. Well, in my living room. The poor world is actually in much worse shape.

Boiling 7 min, 0 sec

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Resteep! Way more flavorful the second time around than I expected. Is there anything I can’t resteep? Way impressed! I really need to put all my teas to this test.


You seem to be a re-steepin’ pro!


Resteeping is the way to go! I typically push my teas to 4-5 steeps western style and more if brewing Gong Fu style…I really like how the tea really opens up between steeps.

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Brought this with us also for our weekend away. I just steeped myself up a mug of it…I love using the travel mug infused as a regular infused. Anyway, this tea is always delicious and I am so glad that we have a second pouch of it at home. Thank you Frank!!

Also, it’s really hard to type on an iPod!

Boiling 6 min, 15 sec

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Yum yum. The beau and I are visiting my father for the weekend, so we have limited tea quantities. Luckily, this is one we brought with us. We popped it in his teapot with the inside of our travel mugs (yay ingenuity!) and are now enjoying a couple mugs of Monk’s Blend. There is a bit of an odd milky taste to it, we think it’s residue from the Red Rose that my father drinks obsessively. Other than that little change, this is a lovely cup. I still get creamy caramel sort of flavours and a sweet floral hint. Not the best mug I’ve ever had, thanks to that milky taste, but it’s yummy!

Boiling 4 min, 30 sec

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Decided to give it a go with a second steep. I know, I break all the rules. Anyway, filled up my wee gaiwan once again. The liquor isn’t as dark this time, but I still get a strong cinnamon scent, as before. Looks promising. Surprisingly, the depth of flavour is still there. Excellent news! I could probably eke out a third one if I wanted, but I don’t like to tempt the tea gods too badly. Hmm, this is creeping up in my estimation. Please, tea gods, let me enjoy another cheaper lighter chai even more in the near future!

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Heavy little tea, isn’t it? I tried this once before at David’s Tea as a sample and enjoyed it, but wasn’t totally sold. There was something off about it, but I decided to chalk that up to my preferred brewing parameters being very different than DT. So, I decided to give this a shot a week or two back when I realized that I haven’t bought (or even smelled!) any of their chais yet.

I steeped up a little cup of this tonight in my gaiwan, then enjoyed it in my koi cup. I love seeing green cardamom and red peppercorn in chais, and those were both present in this brew. It smelled lovely and I was looking forward to a nice spicy cup of chai. Thankfully, I was rewarded!

The cinnamon is very forward in this one, but the tea doesn’t taste thin or watery as I find some chais can be. It isn’t my ideal chai, but it is definitely good. I don’t have the skills to differentiate specific flavours, but it is a nice semi-mild chai. I am really enjoying this one. It would be lovely on a sunny day while sitting in my window with a slight breeze and a good book. Not that Mother Nature is giving me any of that today…but I can still enjoy a good chai, whatever the weather.

If this were a little lighter, I would strongly consider a large scale refill on my small bag, but I think I will continue perusing the chais available to me in the meantime and return to this if nothing better presents itself.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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drank Vanilla Comoro by Harney & Sons
709 tasting notes

I’m enjoying the last of my teabags from Meghann M over lunch. Now all I have is my loose pound…but oh what a pound it is! : )

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I’ve been drinking loose tea since 2010 and my tastes have changed a lot over those years. For the last few, I’ve been a fan of unflavoured Chinese blacks and shu puerh. I still drink other things, but that’s where I am.

I live in a rural area with my husband, cat, and soon to be firstborn. I love tea, reading, doctor who, knitting, crosswords, board games, the marvel universe, and lots of other things.

I’m not often rating teas numerically any more but I want to leave this to explain my past ratings:
I try to only log teas once or twice because I drink a lot of the same ones repeatedly. My rating is based on my perception of the tea at first tasting and is adjusted if anything notable occurs in subsequent cups. I may also factor in the price and customer service but try to note that when I can.

81 – 100: These are great teas, I love them, regularly stock them or savour them as unique treats.
71 – 80: These are solid. I drink them, I like them, I may or may not keep them on hand regularly. This is still good stuff.
61 – 70: Just okay. I can drink it, but it doesn’t stand out to me. Might be lower quality, not to my taste, or outside my comfort zone.
41 – 60: Not likely to keep drinking…hoping hubby will enjoy!
0 – 40: No thank you, please. Take it away and don’t make me finish the cup.



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