Followed by 114 Tea Drinkers

hawkband1 89 followers

I started my tea journey with Stash/Celestial Seasonings tea bags years ago. ...

Jackson 0 followers


MadHatterTeaDrunk 137 followers

Mostly drinking sheng/shou puerh. Gongfu daily; western brew at work. More to...

Sirentian 34 followers

Amateur tea enthusiast here. I told myself I would start with studying Chines...

Mateusz 24 followers

Hello! My name is Mateusz, or Mat for short. Started brewing gong fu style in...

eastkyteaguy 215 followers

My grading criteria for tea is as follows: 90-100: Exceptional. I love this s...

Arby 161 followers

I am a biochem major hoping for a career in research genetics and evolutionar...

Keemunlover 19 followers

I love tea. Mainly Chinese teas, such as Keemuns, Shui Xian oolongs when I ca...

Valerii Levitanus 9 followers

My project TEA SIDE has not just a casual tea assortment, we offer an alive a...

Lexie Aleah 93 followers

Social Work Student 23 years old Lover of Animals and Books~ I’ll try any tea...



Hi, I am a researcher in math, physics and computer science. Apart from teas and mathematics, I enjoy sports and traveling, as well as music of all kinds. Connect at

I had been drinking Japanese green tea for a while before discovering the world of tea in 2017. I rarely drink blends and generally avoid artificially scented teas. Other than that I try to keep it varied.

My rating description:
100 _ Unforgettable tea, an experience that changes your life.
90 – 100 _ Excellent tea.
80 – 90 _ Very enjoyable, I will buy again.
70 – 80 _ I enjoyed it, but I most likely won’t be buying it again.
60 – 70 _ Decent.
50 – 60 _ Average, forgettable.
40 – 50 _ I didn’t really like the tea, but it is drinkable.
0 – 40 _ I would prefer to avoid the tea.


Innsbruck, Austria

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