606 Tasting Notes
I’m trying to remember when I bought this tea…. I feel like I went there for a tasting and decided to get this one…. Either that or it was the London Tea and Kombucha festival that I bought this one. I wish I could remember. I think it was the festival…
Tea #4
I never touch white teas, which is a shame because wow are they good! This tea does not disappoint. It is light and fresh and just so smooth. I did a two minute steep on this one because I didn’t want to chance it going bitter and I’m glad to say it didn’t. If anything I could probably have done a three minute steep and it would have been good.
Either way, This is lovely. It’s so much lighter than what I usually grab first thing in the morning. It’s a nice change to my morning.
Tea #3. Still need to play catch up… maybe tomorrow.
I bought this one for when I was sick… yeah, I haven’t been sick in like 2 years now because of all the hand washing and sanitizing, so I haven’t had it in ages! I’m honestly not even sure how long I’ve had it. It’s been that long.
I use to love this one, but I think that I either oversteeped it, or that I over leafed it. It’s got a hint of bitterness to it, which I don’t love, but I’m still drinking it. I think next time I would just added a hint of honey to it to boost the flavours a bit.
Either way, it’s nice and honestly, I might try and use this as an afternoon tea like my Moroccan Mint that I reviewed the other day. The days are getting cold and hot tea is my jam!
Tea #2 (I think?) for my “Revisiting my older teas challenge” this December season. (I’m going to try and do a couple more and get my tea number up to today’s date.)
I know this seems like a strange one to not have touched in so long, but it’s probably since the beginning of the year. I stopped drinking this one when I became obsessed with gingerbread matcha from DAVIDsTEA, and this one definitely took a back seat.
This tea is SO good. I don’t know why I didn’t finish it earlier, but now that I am remembering how good this one is, I’m definitely going to be drinking this one more often again, until it’s gone, which honestly won’t take very long. I don’t have a ton left.
It’s sweet as DT matchas tend to be, but it’s got a nice spice flavour with it which I’m truly loving. Very nice chai flavours. So good! Made this as a hot latte and I’m sure glad I did!
I have decided for the month of December, my advent calendar is going to be revisiting a tea everyday that I haven’t had in far too long. I have so many of those in the cupboard and this is one of them.
I made this one up, 3min steep with a PS and it’s actually pretty nice! Even with it being a bit older. I could see enjoying this one in the afternoons around the time that I go get the kids from school. It would be a nice midday treat. I love the mint and the green tea is kind of a nice combo.
I’m going to try and drink this one up soon so I can get some fresh mint. Fresh mint is always better than older mint.
This tea is back! I forgot how much i love this one, and this is the OLD recipe that ACTUALLY shimmers, not the new one where it doesn’t.
I shouldn’t have added milk because the milk hides the shimmer, but before I did that, the tea was sparkling and shimmering away and just so beautiful!
I only got 50g of this one because there is a LOT of tea to drink up and it’ll take me a while to get there. But today, yummy yummy!! And it’s a great way to start this christmas-y season!
This one is definitely getting a bit on the old side in my cupboard.
I thought I would try this one just straight up after the overly sweet one I just had. I like this one much better as it’s not nearly as sweet. There is a touch of sweetness from the fruit, but there isn’t any stevia in this one (that I’m aware of?) and it makes such a difference. There’s a bit of fruit and nuts coming through. Again, this one is getting old so I know the flavours aren’t as nice as they once were, but as I near the bottom of the cup, I have to say, it does still have some good flavour. I think maybe my tastebuds were just on overdrive after the first tea I had today and couldn’t see how subtle, but pleasant this one is.
I’ve decided I’m not going to let teas get past a certain time old from now on. I need to drink the tons of tea I have and try and keep only fresh stuff in the cupboard. Drinking old tea is always a bit disappointing.
There was someone else here that mentioned they did this one as a hot latte. I might try that! It sounds good and it uses tea up fast too.
Oh stevia, how I hate you. I know it’s a natural sweetner but it’s so so sweet that it tastes fake to me…
anyways, I forgot this morning that this tea had it in it. I added milk, fully expecting it to curdle, but it didn’t and I added some sugar, which I shouldn’t have done because it is just SO sweet now that I am honestly not even enjoying it at all. I think I’m going to try again without the sugar and see how bad the stevia is. If it’s super bad, I might not keep this one. It’s got a great fruit flavour to it, but it’s just so darn sweet. OR I might try it iced. I like my iced teas sweet, so maybe that’ll work in my favour?
Wow! Six years since I reviewed this one!
I ended up with a bunch of this when my store closed. I bought so much because it’s so good!
I’ve been enjoying this one a lot lately as it’s the only straight black tea I have in my cupboard right now. I need to get something else so I don’t plow through this one too fast.
It’s sweet and malty and just delicious. It’s so smooth and yummy.
If you haven’t tried this one as an iced latte yet, run don’t walk to make one! It is SO good. The orange and mango play off each other so well and when you add milk to it, it’s like drinking a creamsicle. It’s just heaven.
Wish this one wasn’t so heavy, but that’s ok. I’m going to keep this one in the cupboard regardless because everyone in my house loves it.
I just had one with very similar ingredients but didn’t think to add milk to it. I love the idea of a creamsicle tea though! It didn’t curdle with the citrus?
@Shae Nope, but I usually make sure my tea is really cold before adding the milk, which I think helps a bit too