Today I’m going to try and sipdown a lot of the teas I have only small amounts of left.
But I’m also going to attempt to try some of the ones I’ve had for a while and never tried. This one falls under the latter.
I feel like this needs to be a two bagger. I’m a bit surprised that it isn’t stronger. I let it steep for 4 mins and I get just the smallest hint of bitterness to it. I didn’t add any milk and only a sprinkling sugar. The further down the cup I go, the more I’m getting the bitterness. I really should have done the 3min steep like I originally planned and we’ll try two tea bags next time.
I’ll probably also add some milk to my next cup and see what happens.
The only flavours I’m really getting right now is a tiny bit of pineapple… not much… I’m very unimpressed with this one… it makes me sad.