818 Tasting Notes
I’m not sure if Whole Foods really is the brand behind this tea or not, but my friend gave me some of this to try, and she picked it up from one of the bulk tea bins. Anyway, it was a really nice rooibos tea. I think it is flavored with mango. Definitely didn’t have that medicinal taste, so then I was confused as to whether it was a red rooibos or a green one. Still not sure, but I like it no matter what it is! Mystery tea!
Why do I like this one so much? It has great complexity! Was trying to decide on an afternoon tea and once I smelled the dry leaves, my mouth started watering! Funny, cuz I’m not really into tart teas, but this one is really rounded out. Fully enjoyed my cup of this while finishing up work.
In other news, I just ordered more new tea!!! My third order in 4 days ;)
LOL, about the tea ordering! I’m trying to behave myself, at least for a little while, but I have found myself starting lists of teas I want from different companies, thinking I can rotate through those companies, ordering from one at a time. Otherwise, I tend to be a binge orderer.
I couldn’t help it! Plus, I’m way behind most of the folks on here, so it can’t be that bad! ;) I’ve been compiling a shopping list too. I find it so handy that I can put a tea in there that I want to remember based on a great review and then, once I have a few teas for one company, make an order!!
A couple of my coworkers and I frequent Samovar just for chai “to go.” We go there for fun and we go there to brighten our mood when we’re having a bad day. It is the best chai ever! I love how it is peppery, but still a little sweet. So, we went there today, and I had a good vent session and felt better afterwards!! What’s better than a chai with friends?!!
My tea swap friend also gave me a couple bags of this tea. Against my own judgement, I steeped this one hot. It really should be iced with a lot of sugar. I found it to be very tart, which according to others is because of the hibiscus? It is beautiful to look at though…very pinky purple. It gets dark really quick too. I think I only steeped this for 3 minutes, if that. I also didn’t think I could taste all the ingredients…there are so many! Next time, I’ll try this iced.
Love this tea! In the interest of getting as much as possible out of the small amount I have left, (my fault for sharing with others, but I love to hear what they think!), I steeped it 3 times this morning. First 2 steepings were awesome. The third steeping was a little weaker, but still enjoyable. Definitely needed a happy and comforting tea like this to help me get through Monday!
A friend of mine gave this to me in what turned out to be my first swap! I was planning just to give her some samples of Della Terra Teas that I love, and she brought me some teas too! Win win! Anyway, I could definitely taste both the ginger and the peach in this tea. Only steeped it 3 minutes because it started to get dark quickly. Overall, it wasn’t bad, but I’m not sure I’m that big on ginger. I think I will try it iced next time, as I think that may improve it.
So, I’m gonna catch up on my backlog of tealogs in a backwards fashion, because I can! Had a pretty crappy day today after a fabulous weekend. Very hard to go back to work after that, on top of the fact that I’m so burnt out at work, I’m toasty! Anyway, my husband’s friend gave me some fabulous dragonwell tea from a tea plantation in China. I wanted to give the company credit, but he couldn’t remember the name of the plantation, even though he went there! It is roasty goodness! I especially like the second steeping, because, I think it’s smoother, and possibly sweeter? Added honey for both steeps. Still getting my palate acquainted with green teas. I like this one a lot, especially as an afternoon tea or to go with a meal. The other bad thing about not knowing the company is that I can’t buy anymore! Oh well, I guess I’ll just have to savor what I have! Thanks Terri, for setting up this “random steepings” tea. I’m glad I can at least write about it!
After waking up with the headache I couldn’t shake last night, I needed a tea I could count on. Something not too sweet, but comforting. I think this tea has become my go to tea on occasions such as this. I just love it!