So, I’m gonna catch up on my backlog of tealogs in a backwards fashion, because I can! Had a pretty crappy day today after a fabulous weekend. Very hard to go back to work after that, on top of the fact that I’m so burnt out at work, I’m toasty! Anyway, my husband’s friend gave me some fabulous dragonwell tea from a tea plantation in China. I wanted to give the company credit, but he couldn’t remember the name of the plantation, even though he went there! It is roasty goodness! I especially like the second steeping, because, I think it’s smoother, and possibly sweeter? Added honey for both steeps. Still getting my palate acquainted with green teas. I like this one a lot, especially as an afternoon tea or to go with a meal. The other bad thing about not knowing the company is that I can’t buy anymore! Oh well, I guess I’ll just have to savor what I have! Thanks Terri, for setting up this “random steepings” tea. I’m glad I can at least write about it!