The package said to steep this tea for 3-5 minutes at boiling, so I steeped it for 3:30 minutes at that temperature, and I’m afraid I may have oversteeped it. I’m getting the maple flavour, it was strongly present in the scent of the dry tea and is much more muted in the brewed tea but I can still taste it. The tea base, however, is strangely bitter, even after I added a bit of sugar (which brought out the maple flavour like POW!). I hope I remember to read my own review of this the next time I make it so that I remember to steep this for less time, maybe a minute or half a minute less, to try to avoid the bitterness. Otherwise, this is pretty tasty, although I am also amused, like another reviewer, that the maple syrup comes from New England (Represent!) while the tea is called Canadian Dream.
3 min, 30 sec