772 Tasting Notes
You know, this is the first pear tea I’ve tried, I think, that has actually tasted like pears to me. Real juicy pears. The tea base is bold and doesn’t back down, but the flavour is strong enough to keep up with it and complement it quite nicely. This is the first Fauchon tea that I have tried, but so far this is pretty good.
Drinking this my…4th matcha of the day. Good thing I’m not affected by caffeine or I’d probably be clinging to the ceiling by now. 2nd matcha in less than an hour. I’m still tired.
This is again very tasty. I think I’ll be able to decrease the amount of sugar I put in a hot latte (currently 1/2 teaspoon) very soon because it almost tastes too sweet as it is. Almost. Currently still quite delicious. I’m glad that I found Red Leaf Tea because it has opened up a whole new world of tea for me, flavoured matcha!
Drinking this again! Hot matcha latte. Tasty tasty. This is the one of my order that I got a large size of when I ordered, so I’ll be drinking this pretty frequently over the next couple of months. I used half a teaspoon of sugar on this and it almost tastes too sweet, so with skim milk, it’s a pretty healthy treat.
Well, this is nice. The flavour is definitely apple. But it’s still not my perfect apple tea. There’s no real ‘juiciness’ here, if you know what I’m saying, it’s quite flat. I hate to put a bad review out there as the first review to a tea, but this one is just okay. The blackcurrant I tried this morning was much better and I actually shared it with one of my coworkers and he discovered a new love for blackcurrant from that tea.
I know, I know, I just made a tasting note, but this one is different! I just made a cold matcha for the first time! It’s…not as great as I’d hoped. Possibly I’m just mourning the lack of carbonation that suddenly seems to be missing. I think I have too much water, but I just added more cola matcha to my cold water (and shake!) and it got a little bit more matcha-y but not much more cola-y. Guess I’m just disappointed, I had such high hopes and this one smells so good! Mayhap I will try this one traditional style next time.
ETA: Doh, no wonder it doesn’t taste right, I forgot to add sugar! Added about a half teaspoon of sugar to my 16 oz or so of water and it suddenly tastes much better. Might try a full teaspoon next time, if I remember. Usually I just use half, but this is a lot more liquid than I normally have for matcha.
Cola matcha! Back when I first tried the champagne matcha and loved it, I was told…somewhere (in the comments maybe?) that while that flavour was surprisingly awesome and true to descriptions, the cola matcha was even better, and a much weirder flavour at that. So of course, in my next order I had to try it.
I opened the the package last night to put it into a tin to bring to work today and Holy Cola! It smells so much like cola, not really coca cola or pepsi or anything, but it’s definitely cola. So I brought it into work with my black cherry matcha from last night to keep company with my french vanilla matcha (which I also want to try mixing with this) to drink this morning.
I must say, I read the reviews AFTER making this and I think I definitely made a mistake with my first try of this matcha. I made it the way I always make matcha, a hot latte. BZZZT! Wrong! It tastes…okay, but not nearly as fantastic as it smells nor as fantastic as all the other reviews make it sound so I’ll be trying again with cold water before I rate this. Right now it gets a solid meh. I tried some of the little bit of hot water and it tasted pretty good but then I added milk and it all just fell to pieces. Not that it’s terrible, because it’s not, it’s just that the milk sucked all the flavour out and now I’m left with a slightly warm cola milk which isn’t all that appetizing at all. So I’ll have to try again. So warning! Heed your instincts! If you don’t think that warm flat soda will taste good, then don’t try it! Cold matcha is the way to go with this one.
As always, it can be found on the Red Leaf Tea website. Here’s the link: http://www.redleaftea.com/matcha-tea/coca-cola-matcha.html
Got this as a sample from yssah in a humongous pack of samples. Thanks so much!
Blackcurrant isn’t my favourite thing by any means, but it’s not bad. This is, for a flavoured tea, quite good. The blackcurrant is nicely strongly flavoured, no chance of missing the flavour in this tea. It’s not overpowering though, just very present. The black tea base sort of fades into the background, supportive but not pushy. And I got the perfect amount for exactly one pot of tea!
OMG guys, this one is AMAZING! I think it just popped itself up to being my favourite matcha, green matcha even!
When I opened the package I could smell it pretty strongly, not quite sure what it reminded me of, but it was definitely cherry. Black cherry soda possibly? I’m definitely going to have to try this one with the cola matcha because I have that one too, though I haven’t tried it separately yet.
I used my Breville to heat up some water to 175 degrees because that’s the only kettle I have at home that can heat to specific temperatures. I have two at work, go figure. So that was a bit of a pain, but I used that and frothed with my little electric matcha whisk with a bit of sugar and then put in 10 oz of skim milk that I had heated up in the microwave. I think I’ve got the perfect time down for milk in all the microwaves I associate with. The half-pint carton at work gets a minute in the upper microwave and the 10 oz of milk in the liquid measure gets 2 minutes. I guess that means my microwave is only half as powerful as the work microwave, oh well.
I frothed this one up a little extra, even after I poured the milk in, which I don’t usually because if I don’t hold it precisely at the correct depth to the liquid it either does nothing or it sprays everywhere. There was a bit of spraying.
But seriously, this is one amazing flavour. I was not expecting this one to be done so well, though looking at the other reviews perhaps I should have been. I might have to try the other cherry flavours now to compare. There are what, four of them? More than I have seen in any one place where cherry flavoured things are located. Including the grocery store sometimes where there are actual cherries and Washington is a cherry producing state. Hmm, Rainier cherry flavoured matcha? But I digress.
This is really good and you should go get some at: http://www.redleaftea.com/matcha-tea/black-cherry-matcha.html
I should also note, that I got classic matcha level and distinctive flavouring and there was certainly plenty of flavour at that level.
Fruit juice again. I used to like this tea a lot, but now I get tired of fruit juice teas. I prefer my tea to taste like tea nowadays. This is fairly old, but doesn’t seem to have lost much flavour. Good, just not feeling it today.
Drinking this again this morning. Actually, I just finished my cup, but it was made nicely (as I only sometimes manage to do) with complete smoothness and no bitterness at all. The matcha flavour was quite present and the vanilla was there, but not as strongly as I would prefer. Reading back through all the reviews, it seems that pretty much everyone but me got this flavour in robust, so I’ll definitely have to try that next time.
hmmmm i’m in your cupboard stealing your pear teas….someday! haha