Cola matcha! Back when I first tried the champagne matcha and loved it, I was told…somewhere (in the comments maybe?) that while that flavour was surprisingly awesome and true to descriptions, the cola matcha was even better, and a much weirder flavour at that. So of course, in my next order I had to try it.
I opened the the package last night to put it into a tin to bring to work today and Holy Cola! It smells so much like cola, not really coca cola or pepsi or anything, but it’s definitely cola. So I brought it into work with my black cherry matcha from last night to keep company with my french vanilla matcha (which I also want to try mixing with this) to drink this morning.
I must say, I read the reviews AFTER making this and I think I definitely made a mistake with my first try of this matcha. I made it the way I always make matcha, a hot latte. BZZZT! Wrong! It tastes…okay, but not nearly as fantastic as it smells nor as fantastic as all the other reviews make it sound so I’ll be trying again with cold water before I rate this. Right now it gets a solid meh. I tried some of the little bit of hot water and it tasted pretty good but then I added milk and it all just fell to pieces. Not that it’s terrible, because it’s not, it’s just that the milk sucked all the flavour out and now I’m left with a slightly warm cola milk which isn’t all that appetizing at all. So I’ll have to try again. So warning! Heed your instincts! If you don’t think that warm flat soda will taste good, then don’t try it! Cold matcha is the way to go with this one.
As always, it can be found on the Red Leaf Tea website. Here’s the link: