772 Tasting Notes
Well, this is certainly figgy. And I’m finding the spices a bit overpowering, but they are spices that I am particularly sensitive to. Clove especially. There’s a reason I don’t particularly like traditional chai. Can’t really taste the apple in this. Nor the rooibos or oolong, though that may be a blessing since I either don’t have much experience with (oolong) or actively don’t like the taste of (rooibos). It did make a mess in my steeper though, another reason to not like rooibos much. Going to be miserable to clean when I finish drinking this pot.
Thanks to yssah for this sample back in December or so. Just now getting around to drinking it.
I’ll have to steep the next herbal LIT sample for less time than I did this one, because the hibiscus is quite strong in it and it is drowning everything else out. It tastes slightly peachy, but more just generically hibiscus-fruity.
First attempt at making iced tea in a long long while. Somewhat haphazard even though I have an iced tea pitcher now.
Made with the hot brew method, hot water to steep and then cooled off in the fridge for a while (well, days really because my fridge inexplicably stopped making ice) and then drunk with ice. I added about a tsp of sugar and I expect I should have added more. If nothing else, this experience has taught me that I prefer my cold beverages to be sweet.
This tea that I’m drinking is not so sweet. The flavour doesn’t really hit me until I’ve stopped drinking and then it’s a very lemon tea. I should probably get up and put more sugar into it, but I am surrounded by and covered in cats at the moment so I don’t want to get up, so I guess I’ll suffer through this. I have a couple of more glasses of tea in the pitcher so I’ll experiment with more sugar later, and probably an un-lemon black tea.
Sharing this with my mother, though I’m drinking 2 cups to her 1 because she thought it was just ‘okay’. Actually, she just asked me to pour out the rest of her cup, even though she only took one sip. Guess she didn’t like it after all. Probably the rice part.
I can taste the chocolate better this time, along with the wonderful roastiness of the rice. I do like this tea a lot. Not picking up a lot of different things from the black part of the blend. I’m also quite distracted from adding a bunch of new teas to the database to add to my cupboard. I think I just sorted the rest of the unsorted pile on the floor into the sorted box. Yokotea is a hard company to add because they don’t have many subscribers here on Steepster, I think I’m the only one actually and they don’t have much online presence. I’ve mentioned to them that they should come on here and they said they’d take it under advisement. :p
Made a pot of this to share with my Mom. Used the smaller cups so there’s an extra cup for one of us.
I like the vanilla. It’s nicely strong and bold and it’s a very pleasant taste. I do not like so much the Ceylon base and my mother agreed when I talked to her. There’s just something not quite right with this combination. This ranks around the middle of the pack for vanilla black teas. This would have been much much better had the Steap Shoppe chosen an Assam or something for their base. Then I would buy again. In this instance, not going to.