Sharing this with my mother, though I’m drinking 2 cups to her 1 because she thought it was just ‘okay’. Actually, she just asked me to pour out the rest of her cup, even though she only took one sip. Guess she didn’t like it after all. Probably the rice part.
I can taste the chocolate better this time, along with the wonderful roastiness of the rice. I do like this tea a lot. Not picking up a lot of different things from the black part of the blend. I’m also quite distracted from adding a bunch of new teas to the database to add to my cupboard. I think I just sorted the rest of the unsorted pile on the floor into the sorted box. Yokotea is a hard company to add because they don’t have many subscribers here on Steepster, I think I’m the only one actually and they don’t have much online presence. I’ve mentioned to them that they should come on here and they said they’d take it under advisement. :p