772 Tasting Notes

drank Caramel Matcha by Red Leaf Tea
772 tasting notes

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Tasty. I think I used the perfect amount of matcha today, because it’s really better than normal.

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This was tasty but I’m a distracted mess today. Blah.

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I know it’s probably technically impossible to ‘oversteep’ an herbal tea, but after a certain point the hibiscus, if it’s present, takes over. I think that is what happened here. I set my alarm and when it went off, I failed to take the tea bags out and then forgot I was making tea. Not my best execution.

With this, I can certainly taste the berries, what must be the wildberry flavour because I’m mostly unfamiliar with it. Unfortunately it’s also very tart and that detracts from it. There’s something almost sour with the berry flavour and I find that I’m just not enjoying this tea.

Boiling 8 min or more

Yeah, hibiscus likes to get worse when it is steeped longer. :/

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Backlog from yesterday. I drank this during a stupid meeting. I don’t remember much, but I think I enjoyed it. The meeting room was very hot.

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This is the one matcha I drink without sugar, it’s too sweet with it. Still, not quite what I wanted.

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So I got this tea a million years ago in a trade with ChuckieRoy so thanks!

This tea is really pretty with all the little extra things in it and it has real marshmallows which I’m really not supposed to eat because I’m a vegetarian but I’m making an exception for this tea. Slippery slope that is, but I think it’s okay. Not like I’m going out and gorging on bacon just this once or anything. It smells pretty fantastic too, clearly marshmallow. I did a survey of the other tasting notes for a steeping time for this because 2-5 minutes is really broad and came to the conclusion that most people did 4 minutes or so because at that point the marshmallows would be completely melted. I hope it wasn’t too long.

Nope not too long. Absolutely delicious. I’m with the consensus of the majority, this is a very very nice tea. Wonderful dessert tea. Nice marshmallow, the caramel is kind of subdued but that’s okay. Base is a nice supporting actor but not adding anything in particular. Yum.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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drank Wild Strawberry by Adagio Teas
772 tasting notes

Sipdown! I’m just writing this tasting note to say that. I’m not actually drinking the tea, I’m giving it to my coworker. He was surprisingly difficult to boil down to what type of tea he wanted. Or maybe I just have too many choices. It’s probably excessive when asking for a fruity herbal for me to come back with 10 choices. Strawberry? With or without cinnamon?


The uninitiated do seem to get overwhelmed quickly :) it is hard to convince them to trust you. I promise them that at the end of the very simple 30 yes/no questions I am about to ask will lead to the perfect cup of tea for them at this moment.

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Sweet and tasty this morning. Smooth and delicious. Drinking it earlier than usual this morning because I actually enjoyed the pot of tea I had earlier so I drank it quite fast. So, earlier matcha. I love matcha so much you have no idea. I have no idea how I lived my life without it previous to this month.


Mmmm…. it’s great to love something so much!

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drank Pom Tango by DAVIDsTEA
772 tasting notes

Well, starting the day off with this lovely little sample from Ellyn. It smells simply fantastic, though mostly mango and not really any pomegranate at all. That’s okay, I like mango. The dry tea is certainly FULL of mango pieces, I put my entire sample into the steeper even though it was like 5 tsp because it was so voluminous and I wasn’t sure I was getting enough actual tea in there. So pretty much the perfect amount actually.

I haven’t had many DAVIDsTEAs so I don’t know if this is typical or not, but the taste…almost lives up to the promise of the smell. I’m processing it as kind of a weak brew, not so much in flavour, but in general mouthfeel. Like it’s less than even water. A bit not good. It’s tasty though, I get the slightest bit of tartness from the pomegranate, but it’s mostly just mango. A pretty nice, fruity, black tea.

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

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Single, vegetarian, asexual, 5 cats. Airplane Engineer. I drink most of my tea with a bit of sugar and all the ones with a black tea base with a little bit of milk too. I’m super sensitive to bitterness and spiciness so I tend to avoid those.


Renton, WA, USA

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