985 Tasting Notes


Second tea of the morning……

I pulled this one out to see how it differed from the Fortnum & Mason Keemun I had for my first pot of the day. I do think this one is slightly less smokey, but otherwise very similar in quality. I do think that I would go with the Fortnum & Mason if it were more readily available to me. All in all, a solid basic Kemmun tea, which is my pick for an English Breakfast.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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Yum. Tastes like cinnamon buns. Prepped by the usual pan method.

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drank Elyse's Blend by Harney & Sons
985 tasting notes

Tea of the morning…..

Yes, I am alive. I have had the flu, which is always so expected three weeks after having a flu shot. I think this is actually the first time this has happened, so it was probably my turn. I am on the mend, but still have an annoying cough.

Anyway, a great wake me up tea with a little sweetness and a little something “kicks you in the pants”-ish. I almost always do a shorter steep on this one, and am even thinking of going lower than the three minutes I did today next time…..

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

Argh, being sick sucks! Hope you’re back up to 100% soon!


I was hoping things were ok! Poor Jen! I have never gotten a flu shot because I’m afraid it will give me the flu, like a superstitious olde lady!!

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Feeling a little under the weather. I decided a good basic tea was in order and this is the one I chose. I almost think this is the base tea in the Rose Congou, so it is nice to have that tea without the frill of the rose once in a while. Also, the price on this one is a steal at around $5 for 125 g. I think it resteeps well, too.

Usual parameters.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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Tea of the morning…..

It has been so long since I had an audience with the Queen…. I am glad to see she is ever as gracious and encouraging as she has ever been. Truly a wonderful basic black tea. I had breakfast out with a friend today, but the tea was even fabulous once it had cooled when I returned home.

Usual steeping parameters.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec
Anna Vu

What types of flavors are in this tea? I’m curious.


It is a blend of 3 Chinese teas…a Keemun, a Yunnan, and Panyang Congou. Cocoa notes, slight floral notes, and a bit of smokiness. No bitterness or astringency.

Anna Vu

Ohh… Thanks! I don’t think I’d be a fan, but it’s something I think my cousin would enjoy. I will have to pick her up some now. :)

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Tea of the morning for candy hangover (Happy Belated Halloween!)…….

Love this one. The perfect pairing of scent and base tea. Plus, the bargain price is a bonus. I always have room for this in my cupboard.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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drank Keemun by Fortnum & Mason
985 tasting notes

Tea of the morning……

I don’t recommend shoppping with this company using their delivery service. They completely messed up my holiday order. I had promises of a full refund, and promises of a refund of shipping since they sent only a $15USD value of goods (from a $133USD order) along with their huge cost of $30USD to ship. Never got it. Had to get my credit card company involved to get a refund. Ordering from here is only worth it if you like slim chances and setting fire to your money.

This is my favorite version of English Breakfast….a good basic Keemun. I think Adagio got me started, and then I moved onto Harney which is my usual go to. This one is just a lovely treat for a Keemun lover in the US as it is really only available in Britain. There are days when I think of a possible future order to Fortnum & Mason, and I would consider purchasing more of this. It does look like their shipping policy has changed a little in that the shipping rate is now a flat 20 pounds to the US if I am reading it correctly (before it went up after 5 items…). I may put a group order together in the future….. :D

Steeped by the usual parameters….

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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drank Holy Hot Cinnamon! by Custom
985 tasting notes

My evening ritual…… and tea from last night.

I just had to write in that this is not nearly as good added to a fillable bag for travel. It is sooooo much better in an infuser. Looking forward to more tonight! And contemplating the ways to just use an infuser in my teapot the next time I go visiting……

8 minute steep with all other parameters as usual.

Boiling 8 min or more

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drank Guayusa Spice by Runa
985 tasting notes

Tea of experimentation….

I picked up a box of this when I was in Baltimore early this week. (Man, I love Wegman’s.) So far, I really only get the lemongrass. Not much in the way of spice, and the base is kind of a leafy taste with a subtle edge of spearmint…like if the minty part was missing and you just got the spear-. Anyway…… We will see if it does anything for my mental clarity at this point. I sure could use some of that!

8 oz mug, 1 bag, freshly boiled water, 4 minutes.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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drank Lychee by Harney & Sons
985 tasting notes

Tea of the morning….

I was looking for something a little lighter today. This is the one I chose. It is such a lovely combo of citrus and rose flavors. And it is a good thing I enjoy it. I have a pound of it!

Steeped the usual way….

I think I am up for trying something new today!…..

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

I think this one goes on my next order. It was really good and the floral aspect unexpected for me.

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My motto: Drink the good tea!

Tea enthusiast, trying to keep up my cardio for the zombie apocalypse. I have come to accept that I am a western brewing black tea drinker as that is where my ‘tea heart’ lies. I started on loose leaf as a way to have my dessert and not suffer the caloric issues. Once I tried it, I was hooked.

I drink what I like, which is mostly China blacks, a few traditionally scented blacks and Earl Greys, plus a flavored tea here and there. I don’t mind spending a bit on premium varieties on occasion, but an expensive tea has to deliver. My favorite places to order are Harney & Sons and Upton Tea Imports. TeaVivre is great for Chinese tea.

My ratings are pretty subjective. If it falls under 70, I may not take the time to post about it unless I had something specific to say. If it is 70-80 I like it, but I will probably not rebuy. Favorites are over 80 and up, but sometimes the less expensive or more easily obtainable version of a similar taste will win out for my cupboard space.

Usual teapot steeping method: 24 oz teapot, 3 perfect scoops of tea (4 1/2 actual tsp), freshly boiled water, 4 minutes. Lightly sweetened.

Usual mug steeping method: 15 oz mug, 1.5 perfect scoops of tea (just over 2 actual tsp), freshly boiled water, 4 minutes. Lightly sweetened.

Usual pan method: 1 1/2 cups water, 2 perfect tsp chai (3 actual tsp). Simmer for 3 minutes. Add 2/3 cup skim milk. Simmer for 2 more minutes. Strain and sweeten.

Usual pitcher method:
5 or 6 Perfect Spoons of tea (this means about 7-9 actual tsp), freshly boiled water, brewed essentially double-strong in my 24 oz teapot for 4 minutes. Fill my Fiestaware Disc pitcher (about 60 oz.) halfway with ice. Add brewed double-strong tea to the pitcher. Stir it a little and enjoy. No additions.

(*SRP is my Sample/Stash Reduction Plan starting on April 12, 2012. I got so far, but just decided it was too fussy to keep track.)



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