985 Tasting Notes
Afternoon and post-workout tea……
This one is such a reward type tea. I had set in my mind that I was going to fix this after my workout and it was great motivation to get me going. Usually, that is the toughest part. Just getting started. And you don’t want to undo all the good you have done by treating yourself with something high in calories. I love chocolate and coconut. I like to think of this one as Mounds in a cup. Mind you, it is still very much tea, but the chocolate and coconut flavors in this one are a real treat. Plus, who doesn’t feel great when you can tell your core is getting stronger by the day? The road to a better life is built on one good choice after another, and I feel a tea like this is an easy good choice. Thank you, Emeric Harney for blending this one!
Usual teapot method.
PS…. I would still send out a few more samples if anyone is interested. The rest is for me!
Tea of the afternoon…..
I think this is tea #5 from my Lupicia Happy Bag 2012. I have Jardin Sauvage and Nilgiri FOP to go.
Let’s just say the one or two times I have tried puer it was quite disasterous. I am pretty sure I was supposed to rinse that one and then steep for drinking, so all I tasted was dirt. I have to say, this tea is far from my distant memories of my puer tuo cha fail so long ago (probably only about eight months ago, LOL!) This one tastes earthy, but not of just earth, if that makes sense. I actually find this incredibly close to what coffee tastes like. It has a richer, fuller mouth feel than most black teas, and after the first several sips, I kind of get that settling feeling in my stomach that so many have mentioned. Very interesting. Puer with training wheels! There are hints of fruit with this one, and it is very pleasant. All in all, a good, happy surprise, but now I can’t wait to try the Chocolate & Strawberry one I ordered!
15 oz Mug, 2 actual tsp tea, 3 minutes freshly boiled water. Lightly sweetened.
This makes me sad that I missed out on the Happy Bags this year. I forgot about it until 1pm on New Year’s Day and they were already sold out. So sad!
I think I just barely got in….I ordered around 9am Eastern time on New Year’s Day. All the $50 bags were gone, but I was so thankful to have snagged a $30 bag…I had been waiting for a year! Maybe next year for you?
I can hardly wait to try this one! I wanted my first cup of it to be with my puer tea friend, but her son got sick today and she couldn’t come over. I did drink puer today, though. See my tasting note! :). I will be ordering the chocolate strawberry puer soon, some for me and some as my friend’s b- day gift. I bet this one ends up on my order, too.
Tea of the morning (thanks to the recent review from Jim Marks…)
I had nearly forgotten about this one. But it is the perfect version of lapsang souchong for me. The smoke is light and homey, and it really warms me up on a cold morning. I did notice my tin getting low, so I had better add it to my Upton list!
Usual teapot method.
Tea of the evening…..
…..And a little experiment. I may be sorry for drinking a tea even with just a little caffeine this late, but it is the weekend. I am hoping my system can tolerate a jasmine pearl this late at night and not suffer insomnia from too much caffeine too late at night…..
I am really liking jasmine tea, lately. I have one that is a straight jasmine green and a few that are pearl jasmine like this one. I love the light floral notes in this type of tea as they are very relaxing. This example is very good. It definitely ranks up with the best I have tried (which really is only about three…..) I would consider purchasing when I cannot find a comparable tea on the market at a better price. This one comes out to about $5 an ounce. It resteeps very well. My second pot full (yes, I am incredibly hydrated after two 24 oz. pots of this!) was just as good as the first.
24 oz. teapot, just over 4 actual tsp tea, 175ish water, 3 minutes steep #1, 4 minutes steep #2. No additions.
I agree. The first Jasmine Black I tried from A Southern Season was so perfumey that I couldn’t drink it. I would y it every few months to see if my tastes had changed. Their dragon pearl jasmine was given away for the same reason. Then I got some good jasmine tea in a swap. YUM! And now the ones from Teavivre are becoming real favorites. Oddly, with all the Harney tea I have this is one of the few I haven’t tried from them. I may need to remedy that soon.
@ashmanra…. I only have a sample of this one…. I am pretty sure I will buy TeaVivre’s for price as it is very similar.
I have a sample of Teavivre’s and thought it was just aquatic up when the pearls began to unfurl. I plan on orienting theirs. Harney’s is rather expensive, I think, and I already know I love Teavivre’s! It is so soothing.
What? Crazy autocorrect! I thought it was just beautiful when the pearls unfurl. How that got changed as it did, I have no idea.
ashmanra- I read your sentence and thought you were like Shakespeare and pictured the pearls unfurling in water and rising to the top. Maybe there is something to this autocorrect :) :) :)
I agree with JacquelineM! By the second steep, the leaves were up to the top of my infuser. I have determined, that two pots is too much for the evening. We will try a mug with resteeps next time!
This is definitely my favorite jasmine pearl so far. I really enjoy the Teavivre pearls, but they’re not quite as perfect as these to me. And yeah, I always get especially over tea-ed with jasmine pearls because they keep giving such awesome flavor I never want to stop drinking them.
@ashmanra… that autocorrect was hilarious!
Tea with Lunch……
This tea is loose leaf and was brought back from a trip to India by my neighbors. Today I was just looking for a basic taste to go along with my fast food chili. (My daughter and I were out at training for volunteering at our local animal shelter and needed to pick up a quick lunch on the way home…..) This works well. I purposely used lighter leaf than normal and a shorter steep time due to the blend being mostly CTC tea. Good solid tea. Very smooth flavor, and just enough Assam to taste very good (sometimes Assam is a little over powering for me…) The liquor is very dark, nearing that of coffee. I have to say, it is definitely a good, reliable, mealtime blend. The taste does not seem affected by what you are eating.
24 oz. teapot with 3 actual tsp tea, freshly boiled water, 1 1/2 minutes. Lightly sweetened.
Backlogging a tea of the afternoon……
I got a sample of this from thepuriTea during their Black Friday sale. I am not disappointed in this one…probably the best passionfruit tea I have had. It would be wonderful iced. I do feel that it tastes kind of close to the Lychee from Harney that I have on hand in a large bag, so unless I need to add things to my cart for shipping, I probably won’t purchase this one any time soon.
Tea of the afternoon…..
…..After shoveling the driveway. I was looking for something to make me forget the snow for a little while. This definitely works. I like that the green is mild, the coconut flavor is most prominent, but I have to say the ginger might be a deal breaker for me. I guess the jury is still out.
Tea of the morning……
I am always dragging by Friday morning. I need a swift kick in the pants to really get going once the kids are on the bus. (They get on the bus at about 6:30am…..way too early to be heading to school IMO, but it is probably good to have this kind of challenge in the grand scheme, something that gets us out of our comfort zone a little.) It is also snowing pretty hard and I am preparing myself for some snow removal….around here a few inches of snow does not shut down the schools, but we are getting more over the course of the day. Luckily, it is a little too windy right now so I can enjoy my tea.
Very smooth, chocolatey, slightly smokey, but then there is a little kick at the end. Kind of like the electric jolt I needed this morning. Other Keemuns are just overall too smooth and relax me too much. This one is perfect for mornings when I need that little extra boost.
Usual teapot method.
Second and third steeps….
Man, by now I am floating! I should have made this in my mug instead of the teapot! The second infusion (at 4 minutes) was very similar to the first. the leaves were barely starting to open. On the third steeping (at 6 minutes) I am getting more of a spearmint flavor. It is light and quite nice. This is so going on my list, just because it is so interesting!
Post-workout tea……
This one is interesting. They describe it as a “rock” tea in that it really does kind of look like little rocks instead of little balled up green leaves. I am no expert on green tea, but I thought this one was interesting (and I had two small samples that thepuriTea sent with my last order so I made a whole pot). I find it slightly vegetal and there is a hint of something minty, and even a hint of ginger at the end of the sip. It is really settling my stomach (you know that pit in the stomach you sometimes get at the end of a workout? Although you can’t really call what I do vigorous by any stretch…..) The stranger thing, on the first steep, I really did not notice the leaves opening much. We will have to see what happens on the second steep. All in all, a fun and different experience…… More later….
“Mounds in a cup.” This sounds amazing.
Yum. I’m (involuntarily) practicing tea budgetary restraint, but y’all keep posting such tempting suggestions, when I finally give up and spring for an order, I’m at a loss as to where to start!
Now on my shopping list! : )
Oh yum, this sounds good!
Sadly they don’t have it at H&S New Zealand, but if you’re willing to send a sample international I’d love to take you up on that offer .. And no worries if not, I totally understand! I’m happy to order internationally, Just not sure I want to invest in full tin of something I’ve not tried before ..
@ Serendipitea….I tried to pm you. Maybe you aren’t following me to get my pms. I will give it a go to ship one to NZ. We can hash out the details via pm.
I shipped tea to Sandy when she was in NZ several times and there was never a problem with customs or anything. It just took about ten to fourteen days to get to her.
Sorry yes I got the PM, just haven’t been back on until now :)
Thanks ever so much! I’m going to update what’s ‘in my cupboard’ right now, so if either of you or ashmara see anything you would like to try, please let me know :D