I need to sort out the teas from MissB and get them out to the girls. However, silly me forgot to pick up bags and labels so it’ll have to wait until tomorrow. However, it did tempt me in to make another cup of this just because. there should be SOME perks to getting a giant box of tea that needs to be repackaged and shipped out haha. For me, it’s getting to have 1-2 cups of things while i sort through them rather than having to add to me cupboard. This is a pretty tasty vanilla tea. Not my ultimate favourite, but still damn good. Thanks again for all the great (and not so great) shares MissB! :)
So glad you’re enjoying them, whether they’re awesome or, uh, otherwise. It’s like going around the world through tea! Some places we love, others… not so much.
yes! and all must be tried because you never know :)