oh god. So i couldn’t find this one on steepster because it was hiding away from the rest of the secret garden teas. I’ve located it now and tried to condence the listing but at the time i brewed this, i was just thinking some sort of black blend.
firs sip.. ah gawd! it’s…it’s jasmine! and blergamot! IN THE SAME CUP! aaaaah! yeah that’s pretty much how that went. Still though, i’ll try nearly anything. and i suppose if you like that sort of thing and it wasn’t your mortal enemy…this would be a decent cup as the base blends nicely with those ingredients. bah. lol
thanks anlina!
if you like that sort of thing, it would be tasty. And i’m always up for trying things that i don’t like…just in case haha
haha blergamot. ah, you might have just made my day.
goodie :)
I’m picturing you doing an exorcist type head spin.
hahaha ok THAT cracks ME up
Oh, dear. :(
this sounds barfy!
if you like that sort of thing, it would be tasty. And i’m always up for trying things that i don’t like…just in case haha
Hahaha. :D :D :D