so confession time. i DID enjoy adagio’s vanilla oolong when i was in the chicago store. Just not enough to buy any. This is another form cavocorax and it’s a much better blend. I think non black fan blends do it for me more than black fan blends. I like this sort of smokey, vanilla thing it’s got going on…but of course it makes me want to try it with something like mandala’s wilver buds + vanilla and then maybe a little cacao? haha i need to write ideas down… on the whole…not a bad cup but nothing i need to repeat! :) thanks cavo!
Final Count: 141 after a partial add to my cupboard…this will go up tomorrow!
The name of this tea kind of hurts my brain.
Confession: I bought this tea PURELY bc of the name (and the pairing). And snowbud sounded angelic and delicate, which is about as tenuous as the relationship implied. (Why do angels have gender anyway. HARRUMPH)