On the whole i don’t like green oolongs much. this one is no exception…and is made harder by the fact that i feel like i’ve brewed up a nice cup of rabbit turds. seriously… or hamster turds…think small rodent who eats green things. and sadly… that’s really all i can focus on. lol sooo the rest of this is off to a better home. thanks for sending this our way awkward soul… i’m always up for trying new things…even turd like things :)
OMG. Are you trying to wreck oolongs for the rest of us?
it’s not all oolongs…but THIS ONE…looks like rabbit turds. you’ll see…they look different.
hahahahahahahahah, you’re just making my day here, I’m literally laughing out loud! I DO know what you mean, because this tea looks strange, just like you say :)