go exchange rate go! it’s up a little tonight so that makes me a happy camper, esp since they’re forecasting it’ll be down around 85 cents by the end of the year. BOOO!
This is the last of this tea – the remainder is off to cavocorax to try since we’ve both mostly picked up different teas from RiverTea. I really like this one, though i wish it wasn’t such a heavy tea. I suspect that i could likely use a little less tea and brew for longer, but i’ll try that next time since i’ll likely be picking this up again as it’s a herbal option for when i’m in the mood for a not black tea :)
uh…since most of my tea purchases are USD based, i watch the exchange rate all the time. I have a USD account, so when it’s on the up swing i convert for when i need to buy things. Since i’m an employee, my rate is always better than paypal/credit cards etc…
Ah yes I also do that with my USD acct. We only put money in there for trips though. Not tea purchases, but perhaps I should, since I also get a better rate. :P
Ech, glad I went through my BPAL phase while the dollar was on par. That’s why I keep an eye on exchange rates too (ordering across the border).
i figure over 1000$ a year in tea (since let’s be honest last year i went a little nuts and that doesn’t look like it will be much improved), that can really start to add up on the conversion
Why the exchange rate interest? Are you going away again soon?
uh…since most of my tea purchases are USD based, i watch the exchange rate all the time. I have a USD account, so when it’s on the up swing i convert for when i need to buy things. Since i’m an employee, my rate is always better than paypal/credit cards etc…
Ah yes I also do that with my USD acct. We only put money in there for trips though. Not tea purchases, but perhaps I should, since I also get a better rate. :P
sil is hardcore!!
Ech, glad I went through my BPAL phase while the dollar was on par. That’s why I keep an eye on exchange rates too (ordering across the border).
i figure over 1000$ a year in tea (since let’s be honest last year i went a little nuts and that doesn’t look like it will be much improved), that can really start to add up on the conversion
…also, if i don’t use it, it’s there for trips anyway so no harm
Haha, it’s nice to see someone else taking an interest in tea-related exchange rates.