Another tea to stave off the crazies of the day! I picked this one because i haven’t had it in a while and i’m 100% hoarding this one. It might be one of my favourite chocolate teas because it’s so very much like good belgian mousse au chocolat! if only i could obtain more…
I hate it when you find a beyond delicious tea and it’s either really expensive or only available in another country! This one sounds so good!
I hate it when you find a beyond delicious tea and it’s either really expensive or only available in another country! This one sounds so good!
Want. I wonder how much shipping is. Maybe I wait till I go to (Eastern) Europe in December.
nxtdoor…i’d check and see if it’s available…my parents had a bit of a time trying to find it while they were in france. Here’s hoping MF will come out with another like this…