thank you kittenna! I was lucky enough to get a cup’s worth to try of this one from her over the weekend and i’m glad i did. This is one of those 52 teas that i wasn’t sure if i should have been kicking myself for not picking up. It’s an oolong, but it was also caramel apple. Having tasted it, i’m happy to say that the cup is all i needed :) Not that it’s a bad tea but it wasn’t quite what i wanted from a caramel apple tea. The oolong is fairly nice and the apple flavour is present and not too shabby. But the caramel…aaah the caramel. This is just not caramelly enough. Especially when i think about the caramel beurre sale that my parents brought back for my other half from paris…now THOSE are caramels! Still though? I satisfactory cup of tea tonight :)