I’m slowly going off this one, I think. It’s been in my daily rotation for a good long while now, and I think I’m just over-familiar with its flavour. It doesn’t stand up to milk particularly well, so I stopped trying to force it. Without, the base tea is just a little prominent and tending towards bitter for me to really be able to appreciate the apple/caramel/strawberry flavour this is supposed to have. It’s good on the caramel apple, but strawberry isn’t something I’ve ever managed to coax out of it all that successfully. Something I did notice yesterday was that this has apple pips in it. I’ve never noticed before, but I can’t imagine what they’d add. They’re a cute addition, though, and no worse than sprinkles for pointless frivolity. At least there are actual apples in here, rather than just flavouring!
I do like this as a morning cup, although it’s not quite as strong as I would wish. If I could add milk, I’d probably be a lot happier. I’m going to try adding sugar to my next cup, I think. I need to rekindle my appreciation of this one before it sputters and dies.
I would have loved a green version of this so much.