This one surprises me with how different it is from its black counterpart. It occured to me that I’d never really compared them before, so I made a cup of this after finishing off my Marco Polo.
The rouge is far more floral tasting, and the fruit element is fairly muted. It’s hard to pinpoint exactly what flavours there are, actually, unlike Marco Polo where it’s all pretty obvious. This is a far more subtle tea, and there’s a little too much brassy rooibos kicking about for me to really be able to say I like it.
I find this a fairly mysterious tea. The flavours flit across the tonuge just a little too quickly to be readily identifiable. I have a feeling I recognise them, but I can’t put my finger on them exactly. There’s a tiny hint of strawberry, I think, and I’d like to say jasmine although that’s somehow not quite right. Orchid? Something floral and scented. It’s nice enough, but I prefer the black version overall. I feel I’m on firmer ground with that, while this one consistently evades me. Sadly, all I’m really left with as a lasting impression is rooibos.