Hmm. This dry tea smells great, the brewed tea smells ok (the pear aroma is quiet), but when I sip this, I don’t taste any pear.
The tea is a pretty pinkish color when brewed, and it has a nice hint of sweetness, but I would like to have some pear flavor that I can detect. The tea also left a significant amount of sediment at the bottom of the cup. Not like broken leaves that slipped through a strainer, but what looks like powder.
I received this as a sample from Hapatite in a swap, and I was glad to give it a try, but I don’t think I would purchase this one.
P.S. I will give this a try again with a little sugar b/c I just read Carol Who’s review and she found the pear after sweetening.
Edit: 5/18 Did a cold brew. That was not a wise decision.