DAVIDs Toasted Walnut tea smells great, but the flavor is lacking. Before and during steeping, the sweet scent is quite pleasant. To me, it smells like baking cookies.
I steeped the recommended amount for around 3 minutes to start, and had a little test sip. The flavor was very weak. I let it brew for another 2 minutes. Still weak. Since I was worried about picking up bitterness from oversteeping, I just drank it at around 6 minutes. Luckily it wasn’t overly bitter, but it also wasn’t good.
I think I’ll try increasing the amount of tea the next time I make this. Maybe I can get a better result. I’m disappointed in this one, so far.
Edit: tried this as a cold brew, with twice the recommended amount of tea, and the walnut is much more noticeable. Unfortunately, it’s very bitter, even after only 2 hours brewing. I added a little rock sugar, and the tea is better, but I don’t think I’d buy this again.