2970 Tasting Notes

drank Jardin Sauvage by Lupicia
2970 tasting notes

Sample that came with my first ever Lupicia tea newsletter (yay!), and I was happy to try.
Is it weird that the first thing I think of is pineapple upsidedown cake? When, as far as I know, there isn’t any pineapple in it? That’s what I get, something fruity and hot, and the mango really does come through (mango upside down cake?)
I’m not a huge fan of tropical flavors, I must admit, but this is nice. Still, I think this sample will satisfy me.

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drank Mint Verbena by Harney & Sons
2970 tasting notes

Free sample with my last Harney order. It, along with various other samples that I have, have been sitting in a pretty little dish of mine, waiting for me to feel adventurous and drink something that I hadn’t ordered. Well, the time is now!
I admit that when I first started to drink tea, Mint tea was my choice. Its still a favorite, and I’m always happy to try a new version.
This is perfectly nice, but I wont order any of it for myself. The flavors should be a delightful combo for me, but it just leaves me with an “ah, that was nice” feeling, with no desire for more, really.

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drank Chamomile by Trader Joe's
2970 tasting notes

This is a good Chamomile for this price point. It wont knock your socks off, but it will be a good cup of amber colored relaxation at the end of a long day. This strikes me as an excellent cup for the end of a long, chilly day.

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drank Hoku by Lupicia
2970 tasting notes

Holy Fruit Salad, Batman! Thats what this smells like, a fruit salad on a summers day. This is a sample of some Hawaii only tea that was brought back from a recent trip. Generally I like it. Its very interesting in the sachet, with little silver balls and whatnots. It tastes a bit like a fruit salad as well, which makes a good tea for a morning like today, where the temp is going to be way up high. A refreshing oolong.

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drank Gypsy Rose by Zhena's Gypsy Tea
2970 tasting notes

With this tea I understand why people don’t like rose teas. This smells and tastes like perfume. Too intense, and drowns out its tea base. And you know its too much when I, who do like rose teas, think its too much. Proceed with caution with this one.

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Ahhh. Meadow is the chamomile that I have been looking for. This is as rich and flavorful a chamomile tea as I have ever said. This was part of a bunch of teas that I got the last time I was in Oregon, and I really, really like it. I am always questing for a good chamomile to crown my evenings. This isn’t available anywhere locally for me, but thank goodness for the internet. I’ve got to try some more Smith Teamaker teas now.

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Bought a tin of this on a whim. Eh. I’m not going to repeat that. Its got a strong enough flavor, and isn’t exactly unpleasant, but its far from my favorite, and the little granule balls of tea are a bit unsettling. Next time I’ll add a little milk and sugar and see if that improves the pot.

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drank Vanilla Comoro by Harney & Sons
2970 tasting notes

Ah, Comoro. Vanilla Blacks decaffeinated little sister. I would be more weirded out by a decaf black tea, if it wasn’t so lovely. A way for me to have the flavors of my beloved Vanilla Black in the evenings, without running the risk of being up all night. This is a delightful vanilla balm for the soul, and a great cup for the end of a long day.

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drank Yume by Lupicia
2970 tasting notes

Ah. Ahhhh. This is the stuff. Yume was an impulse buy, and I should listen to that impulse all the time. This is wonderful, simply marvelous. Fruity and light and simply wonderful. I am working on a month long 50000 word writing project, and my writings are always powered by tea. This is the perfect pot to start off this novel. Yume has beautiful fruit and vanilla flavors, though I don’t get much of the rose out of it. Yum!

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drank Royal Wedding by Harney & Sons
2970 tasting notes

This tastes like a macaroon, one of those coconutty ones! I can really get a sort of sweet almond, and the coconut, of course. Less of the rose flavor that is advertised. I like this, its sweet, without being cloying. I suspect this will be my only tin of this, but what a pretty tin it is!

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I love tea! I confess that I was a hot chocolate lover for most of my life, but recently a switch has gone off in my brain, and suggested that I might just love tea. And I do!
I’m a bit of a novice, but an enthusiastic one, and am happily sipping new varieties all the time.
I love vanilla, fruity, and caramel flavors, and cant wait to try more.

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