Now this is an interesting experience. A Darjeeling rooibos blend? How unusual! I love Darjeeling, and have less friendly experience with rooibos, but its good blueberry in it, so hey, its worth a shot.
My initial impression is that the rooibos is adding sweetness to it, but that particular woody sweetness is stronger than the Darjeeling. That’s too bad, I’d love to have some more presence from the black tea base.
There is a nice quality to blueberry, though! And I do get a sense of the muffin, for which I probably need to give credit to the rooibos for. This tea does what it says it will, conjures up an image of the blueberry lemon muffin.
So I’d say this is a solid blend, my own general dislike of rooibos notwithstanding, and would recommend it to anyone seeking those flavors.