289 Tasting Notes
The first time I tried this, I was quite sick and couldn’t even smell the leaves, let alone taste it.
WHAT A DIFFERENCE! I opened the package and inhaled deeply. I can’t believe I couldn’t smell it before! Very minty. The good kind of mint, though; also smelling sweet and a bit spicy. I am very excited to try this again!
The tea is a dark rust color. I can smell both puerh and mint. First sip is very minty. I have had minty teas before that were just disgusting; this one is sweet and pleasant! The cinnamon in this blend is just right. Just a few sips in and I am enjoying this very much.
Second steep +30 sec. A little darker in color than the first steep. Still smells minty but more of the puerh is coming through. Taste wise it’s the same way. There’s a bit more earthiness coming through but the mint is still the first thing I taste.
This is delicious!
Finishing up the last of my 7 gram sample. The flavor that comes out of this tea seems impossible. It tastes like I have added a good spoonful of honey and dusted it with cocoa. And then eaten toast! But I have done none of those things. Must…get…more…….
Followed Verdants instructions of 1 tablespoon of leaf per cup.
This tea is beautiful!! I have had a sample of this from the ever generous Teavivre for quite some time; I have been waiting to brew it up until I had a friend over who would appreciate it! We used boiling water and steeped for a little over 2 minutes. We like how it tasted; very light with floral nuances. Everyone who saw it thought it was pretty neat! We steeped it twice; it was nummy both times.
Wow my sinuses must be completely plugged. I can’t smell the dry or wet leaves, and the only thing I can really taste is the barest hint of mint and a tingly sensation on my tongue that must be from the mint and cinnamon. Bummer- I was hoping this would help clear my sinuses. I will try this again when I can actually smell and taste!
Poor thing! Even if you can’t taste much, the steam in your face and warm liquids should help. Hope you feel better soon.
Thanks!! I am planning on resteeping it a couple times and drinking it even though I can’t taste it. Hopefully it will help!
Thank you Pekko Teas for this enormous sample! Not only is it enormous, but it is very tasty. I think I need to amend my dislike for black teas- I have had several in the past few months that I really like, including this one. This is my first Keemun!
I can’t go into great detail at the moment on specific tasting notes because I am a bit under the weather and do not trust either my sniffer or my palette to do their jobs correctly. That being said, I think I can trust myself enough to know that I like this. It’s bold, not bitter; aromatic but not perfumey; I didn’t notice any overwhelming astringency either. I drank it without any milk but I think it would be delicious.
I used about 1.5 tsp for my 12 oz glass cup.
We are finally getting rain! There are about 8 fires right now about an hour from my parents home in Minnesota. It was so dry fires were being started from weird things, like lawn mowers. After this rain dumping it should be much better! Tonight we may even get 1-3 inches of snow!! (happy dance) We didn’t get much snow last year. If its going to be cold, may as well have snow to make it fun!
I’m glad I waited for a chilly rainy day to try this. It is perfect for my mood! It is absolutely delicious!
I can’t believe how much corn I taste in this. It is savory, woodsy, brothy, and leaves a tingly aftertaste. This is only the third puerh I’ve ever tasted, and so far it’s my favorite!
I highly recommend this tea to puerh newbies like myself. As far away from fishy as you can get, and not really earthy either.
Note: rinsed twice according to Verdants instructions.
This is one of the best pu-erh I’ve tried. I can’t get over how it tastes like corn, and it’s so good. I would have never thought that corn would make a tasty tea … LOL but it does!
I steeped this all afternoon and it never lost flavor! That’s awesome!!
This stuff is amazing like that. During summer I would cold steep the same leaves several days in a row, and then hot brew it before it lost its flavor!