618 Tasting Notes


So many Butiki Teas have arrived & I’m so excited to try all of them. I had the strawberry oolong earlier, but wasn’t in the mood to write a tasting note (I’ll do so later). My favorite coconut rooibos used to be from Teas Etc. The last pouch I ordered just tasted… rather gross, like something was wrong with the batch. I haven’t purchased that tea since. It’s been a while since I’ve had a coconut rooibos & I’m very happy to have a good one back in my collection!

I wasn’t expecting anything that different from when I last enjoyed this tea. There are small oily dots on the surface of the tea — I find them to be present with most coconut teas. The flavor is smooth & very full of coconut! For me, the rooibos is relatively hidden, but adds almost a hint of spice to the cup. The finish is creamy and sweet. I love the way it lingers after the sip has disappeared.

This tea has now taken what used to be coconut custard’s top spot. I’ll be buying more of this when I am all out!

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drank S'mores by Della Terra Teas
618 tasting notes

My very first tea from Della Terra Teas! I’m very excited after reading many of the great reviews.
I first taste the black tea base. It’s not bitter.. but just very present. That taste quickly changes into a smooth milk chocolate with a little bit of graham cracker. This tea reminds me of a cereal I had when I was younger. I can’t think of WHAT cereal it is, though. The strange thing that happens is that none of the flavors stick around for a long time. They fade very quickly and don’t leave a really memorable taste. I was expecting a tea like Teaopia’s Fireside S’mores — that one still remains my top S’mores/graham cracker flavored tea. This blend isn’t all that bad.. it’s just not memorable & lacks the graham cracker/marshmallow flavors I want.

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My brother and my mom gave this tea to me not too long ago and I remember being so happy to have a gingerbread tea. The large cinnamon pieces were a little bit scary as I usually do not like cinnamon in teas. This tea smells terrific! It’s very much a seasonal tea with heavy notes of cinnamon, ginger and bread. The baked aspect of gingerbread is present in the scent. Yay! I love it when teas created after baked goods actually smell (and taste) like them.

Sipping… this is like gingerbread in a cup! It’s not really like gingerbread with a ton of icing or powdered sugar, but a nice, warm rustic slice. I actually don’t mind the cinnamon too much because it blends so well with the other flavors. This tea is warming and so perfect for the holidays! Delicious!

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I’ve finished off the pouch of this tea & now I’m a bit sad as I don’t have any more. I’ve spent a boatload on other teas and held off on a Verdant Tea order. I know I’ll have others to drink, but Verdant teas are so special.

I almost didn’t want to make this last cup since the leaves at the bottom of the pouch were a tiny bit crushed and very small. In my experience, the last cup made from tiny leaves is usually very astringent and not nearly as enjoyable as the first. This particular cup isn’t the best cup I’ve had and it’s actually on the verge of being too bitter, but I still taste those flavors that I love. It’s grassy and a little bit creamy. I liked the Summer Harvest more (it was more creamy.. and those notes of soy milk… mmm..) and have yet to try the Autumn Harvest.

This has been a solid and very nice green tea to have in the cupboard. I’ll be looking forward to buying more in the future!

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drank Gooey Butter Cake by 52teas
618 tasting notes

Before I saw this tea, I had never made a gooey butter cake before. I had stumbled across different recipes, but never actually made it. So after I saw this tea, I thought that it would be a good time to bake the cake so I would know what this tea was trying to be! I made the cake and my family loved it. I think I will try making it again when everyone is home for the holidays. It will be better if there are more people around to eat it so there is less for me!

I’m very surprised to see that this tea has lemon in it! The cake I made was pure butter and sugar, but no lemon. The dry leaf smells yummy — very much like a sugary lemon pastry. I’m talking about that buttery pound cake with that tangy, incredibly sweet icing. It makes me think that I’m in for a real treat!

This tea is actually very mild compared to its scent. The flavors seem very watered down. Yes, I taste lemon with a nice sugary note. The black base adds a hint of astringency to the end of the sip. Normally, this would bother me (I think astringent teas don’t do well with creamy flavors), but as there is tart lemon here, it’s fine. I’m afraid to go past 3 minutes with 52Teas black tea bases, so I think I’ll stick with my steep time even though I want more flavor. This tea is lemony & yummy.. but very mild and not at all like the gooey butter cake I made. I think renaming this tea something like “lemon loaf” would be appropriate!


I agree with the renaming!

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Sometimes after I eat something rather rich, I crave fruit teas. I don’t have any without a black tea base & I’m all out of any fruity herbal teas. This one seemed like a good pick! There is a strong scent of peach and apricot together and something a little bit like pastry in the background. It’s not exactly like puff pastry… but resembles something like a sweet bread.

This tea is a nice balance of flavors. I do taste the apricot and the peach (neither one by itself) as well as the oolong base. The oolong works so well with these flavors. There is a flavor in the background that I can’t really identify and I think it belongs to the almond slivers. The finish is tangy and bright.

I’m trying to drink all of the tea I have to make room for new ones I have ordered this past weekend (Oh, the sales!). It seems like the perfect time to try new teas that I’ve had for a while.

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The first thing I noticed with this tea was the strong scent of fish after the water was added. I am still hopeful that this tea won’t taste fishy.. but the scent is enough to scare me a little bit.

Hmmm. This cup has earthy & hay flavors that fade into something a bit sweet. Sadly, this tastes a lot like fish to me and I really dislike fish. I can see how this might be a yummy tea, but I can’t continue to drink it as the fish notes are all I can taste/smell. I’m disappointed that I can’t taste any of the cake/pastry notes. Well, I’m happy that I sampled this tea before buying a bunch more.


I think I had the same impression as you about this one. Didn’t get why everyone loved it so much. Did you rinse it before drinking it? (I think I did, and it didn’t make a difference.)


I rinsed it twice! I guess this one just isn’t for us…

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I’m not sure how long this tea has been on my shopping list, but I feel like it’s been ages. I remember checking the Rishi Tea website to see if these little buds would be in stock, but each time I have, they’ve been all sold out! I was very lucky to receive some from Invader Zim. Thank you so much!

The scent of this tea is lighter than expected. It reminds me a little bit of golden monkey tea. Something like sweet potato and flowers. It’s actually very delicate and soft!

Sipping… how interesting! I taste very light notes of flowers, and something darkly sweet and leathery. Sometimes I think I have a grasp on the flavors I am tasting, but before I know it, they slip away. They’re present, but not strong enough to really be defined. The finish is sparkling on the tongue. Very beautiful.

Invader Zim

I’m glad you like it and finally got a chance to try it!


Thank you again! :) Really pleased with it!


that sounds really… unique! potato and flowers?!

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When I saw this pop up on the 52Teas website, I knew I had to buy a pouch. It sounded like the perfect caffeine-free dessert tea. I don’t have any tea like this in my collection! It was just Halloween and I definitely had my fair share of peanut butter cups.

This tea is sweet, smooth and slightly creamy. I am disappointed that I don’t taste any bit of peanut, peanut butter or chocolate. Bummer. Isn’t that what this blend is all about? I taste mostly honeybush with some kind of strange flavoring. It doesn’t taste like cheesecake or peanut butter cups. I’ll still drink the rest of this pouch because it is sweet, but honestly, it really tastes nothing like its name. As a side note, this tea leaves a bunch of gross sediment at the bottom of the cup.

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drank Pumpkin Pie by Art of Tea
618 tasting notes

I am always on the quest to find a perfect rooibos/honeybush pumpkin pie blend. I want something creamy, with lots of pumpkin flavor & very light on the spice. Pumpkin pie is my favorite pie and I adore anything pumpkin anyway. I love this time of year because I feel less crazy for indulging in everything pumpkin! Anyway, I am trying the last of this tea again because I honestly can’t remember how it tastes.

This tea is interesting because like many pumpkin pie teas, it relies on the spices to deliver the pumpkin flavor. I don’t find the spices to be too overwhelming in this blend (hooray!). It actually morphs into pumpkin pie on the tongue if you really slurp. I actually like the way the spices blend with the honeybush. I think honeybush is a great base to use for this kind of tea because it’s sweet and smooth like a creamy slice of pie.

I am surprised at how mellow this tea is. It could be because it’s very old… I’m sure that the fresher teas would have a bit more strength. So far this is my favorite honeybush/herbal pumpkin blend. It still feels like there is something missing to make this just right… but I’ll certainly finish the cup!

I cannot remember who sent this to me in a swap.. but thank you & I’m sorry I forgot who you are!

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Tea (& Coffee) lover. Bookworm.

Favorite teas: Milk Oolong, Flavored blends, Dessert teas, Creamy Teas, Rooibos, Oolong, Black, Green
Dislikes: Spices, Peppery flavors, Cloves, Cardamom, Licorice, Peppermint, Cinnamon, Mate, Puerh, Chai, Ginger

My Rather Picky Ratings
90+ – Reserved for the very best! Always in the cupboard!
80-89 – Quite good! A very pleasing cup.
70-79 – Room for improvement, but not bad.
60-69 – Mediocre.
50-59 – Bad. Will not purchase.
49 & below – Depending on the more specific rating: Undrinkable. Yuck. Will not purchase.

Note: Teas in my cupboard are all of the teas that I’ve logged, regardless of their current presence in my actual cupboard. For an updated list on what teas I have available for swap, check out the swap thread and not my cupboard! Thanks!

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