I’m not sure how long this tea has been on my shopping list, but I feel like it’s been ages. I remember checking the Rishi Tea website to see if these little buds would be in stock, but each time I have, they’ve been all sold out! I was very lucky to receive some from Invader Zim. Thank you so much!
The scent of this tea is lighter than expected. It reminds me a little bit of golden monkey tea. Something like sweet potato and flowers. It’s actually very delicate and soft!
Sipping… how interesting! I taste very light notes of flowers, and something darkly sweet and leathery. Sometimes I think I have a grasp on the flavors I am tasting, but before I know it, they slip away. They’re present, but not strong enough to really be defined. The finish is sparkling on the tongue. Very beautiful.
I’m glad you like it and finally got a chance to try it!
Thank you again! :) Really pleased with it!
that sounds really… unique! potato and flowers?!