618 Tasting Notes


Another rainy day… which means oolong or black tea for me! This one smells just lovely! It smells fruity, bakey, sweet, leathery… so delightful! Sipping… the scent actually translates very well to the taste! It’s sweet, fruity and a little bit bakey. There are so many layers, it’s hard to pick all of them out! Fruity, leathery… darker and more bitter the more I sip. I love the finish on the tongue — it’s sweet and begs to be sipped again! At times, this tea seems like a much lighter black tea and at others, it becomes almost a bit brisk.
I’m really enjoying this cup because it’s so unique. I don’t think I have anything like this in my collection. A great cup to have this afternoon!

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drank Milk Oolong by thepuriTea
618 tasting notes

I’ve had a pouch of this tea in my collection for a little while and haven’t wanted to open it as I can go through all of this tea in the matter of a week. Same wonderful flavors: peachy, milky, leafy — all so pleasant and just perfect on this rainy evening. I’d like to make a little pot of this tea, but can’t seem to find it at the moment so I’m going back to the kettle for cup after cup.

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drank Mandarin Silk by Art of Tea
618 tasting notes

I can’t believe I haven’t written a tasting note for this tea yet! I’ve had it many times, but I guess I haven’t been in the mood to write anything about it. Today I’m TRYING to be productive and make some progress on a paper and another assignment.. but I’d much rather read or nap instead!

It seems like every single time I drink this tea, I keep expecting there to be a stronger flavor. It could be that the scent is so strong that I’m expecting a cup that’s insanely creamy and tangy.. but each time it’s a little bit watered down. It’s not a bad cup at all, it’s just not what I expect every time I brew. It’s quite soft and smooth, but not terribly silky. The oolong remains in the background and the vanilla and the citrus are what I really taste. The citrus is quite interesting because it’s not tart, but a bit bitter… the kind of bitter that I don’t like all that much. It reminds me a little bit of unripe oranges. I think the vanilla is the redeeming flavor in this blend.

This makes a very pleasing cup. I still have a whole bunch of this tea so I need to drink this one more often! In the future, I think I’ll buy a smaller amount of tea as there are other oolongs that I like a bit more… but this one is still delicious.

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I am very much in the mood for this kind of tea right now… something milky and creamy. I am really trying to drink more of the tea I have in my collection before buying any more. I’m making progress, but it’s slow progress. I always find that I crave other teas than the ones on my shelves. Anyway, about this cup…

The scent of the brewed cup is wonderful! I detect whipped cream, coconut (of course), a bit of buttery oolong and something like vanilla ice cream. I’m hoping that the scent translates into the taste because I would rate this tea a 95 based on scent alone!
Sipping… not really tasting whipped cream or vanilla.. but more of a green oolong with coconut. I suppose that I expected this, but the scent fooled me into believing that there would be something in addition to the coconut. The first part of the sip is of a very green oolong and then the coconut notes come out. As the cup cools, more of the oolong’s buttery notes appear and the cup becomes more silky.

This is a very solid cup and I think it would be very tasty iced. When it gets warmer, I’ll try an iced version. Thank you, Lindsey for a sample of this tea!

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Many thanks to both TastyBrew and Lindsey for this tea. I was so excited to give this a try since Butiki does flavored blends so well. I’ve enjoyed most of the flavored teas from Butiki and I love caramel & vanilla — it seemed so perfect!

The scent of this tea is sugary sweet with a hint of a toasty black tea base. In a way, it reminds me a little bit of Lucky Charms marshmallows. I’m bracing myself because it smells very, very sweet. Sipping…first I taste the lovely black tea. It’s not bitter or too strong at all. In fact, it’s smooth and slowly turns into a very strong sweetness. It’s the nicest combination of caramel and vanilla, although I can’t seem to separate the two. It’s almost like I have a very sugary caramel between my teeth. The tea and flavoring give me the impression of a golden marshmallow. I can actually detect the roasted aspect, not just the fluffy sugar! How interesting! It’s not even supposed to be a marshmallow tea… but it works.

The finish is buttery and a little bit like a soft frosted cereal. Very nice and very rich. I’m impressed with this tea and look forward to drinking it when I’m in the mood for something sweet. This would satisfy any sugar or dessert craving quite well. Delicious!


Sounds heavenly!

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I love milk oolongs and have been wanting to drink them more often, but I haven’t been able to sit down and devote myself to a cup. This afternoon seemed like a very good time to enjoy a new oolong.

Once water has been added, I’m surprised to be smelling such a buttery tea! It’s very much like salted butter with a hint of milk. Sipping… hmm.. this is very tasty. It reminds me very much of chewy milk candies. Not really an authentic milk flavor, but milk + butter nonetheless. It’s very smooth, brothy, with a savory finish. I’m not sure why I wasn’t expecting this to be that great, but it’s very delicious. This isn’t my most favorite milk oolong as it’s more savory/buttery instead of milky/sweet, but I enjoyed this cup. Thank you Jessiwrites for a sample!

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I’m a little nervous to try this tea because it looks like it has some things in it that I might not like. It’s mostly all about the pink peppercorns.. but I’m hoping that they won’t be too prominent. Peppercorns and I don’t go well together.

Sipping… It’s very sweet at first and actually fades into something a little bit buttery. I’m not sure that I taste sea salt or caramel — just a messy sweetness. The flavors are all muddied together and I can’t seem to pick anything out. There is something very artificial about this cup and it makes me want to stop drinking. I wish that there was something more natural about this blend, because the idea behind it is fantastic (I love caramel and sea salt… or really anything salty and sweet at the same time). It would also be nice if I could distinguish each individual flavor note… but this means that I can’t taste the pink peppercorns at all, thankfully. I won’t be finishing this cup, but thank you to Yssah for a sample of this tea!


I felt pretty much the same way about this tea. It does however taste a little better with Zingiber Ginger Coconut…but not enough to want to get another bag.

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drank Mulberry Magic by DAVIDsTEA
618 tasting notes

I’m not sure why I am so nervous to be trying this tea. I opened up the pouch and it didn’t smell like I expected it to. It might be the nuts or the flavoring that make it a little strange, but it didn’t smell all that delicious. Once steeped, the tea smells like leaves and vanilla cake.

Sipping… oh, this is interesting! It tastes very much like white chocolate. That flavor doesn’t linger for the entire sip, however. It has a very leafy taste that is just as strong as the initial sweetness. It’s not the same kind of leafy flavor from something like an oolong, for example… I can’t really describe it. This is one of the most unique teas I’ve tried. A bit part of me wants to like this tea more since it doesn’t really have anything I don’t like… but the more I sip, the more I realize that this tea isn’t for me.


I agree, it’s unique, and while it tastes pretty good, it’s not worth having around.

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I’m learning that I think I only like rhubarb when it’s paired with strawberries or something else and not by itself. Sometimes rhubarb can taste so sharp and like dirt. It reminds me a bit of taking a spoonful of plants and flowers in the garden. I saw this blend and knew I had to give it a try as I love custard and have been trying to find the perfect custardy tea blend. I’d actually love to find a plain custard rooibos tea, but back to this tea…

It has the same sweet and rather creamy rooibos tea base that Bluebird Tea uses. The rhubarb is very realistic, but doesn’t taste too much like a garden. The flavor is actually pretty light. I actually taste only two notes, the rooibos and the rhubarb. I’m not getting any custard or anything dessert-like beyond the sweetness from the rooibos. It’s very drinkable, but I would have loved custard and not just rhubarb. Thanks to Bluebird Tea!

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I’ll start this tasting note by saying that I love the name of this tea. So great! Onto the tea itself.. the dry leaf smells of rooibos and tart raspberry. After water has been added, the raspberry scent still remains.

Sipping… this tea is surprisingly creamy! I was expecting there to be more rooibos + plain old raspberry, but this is more of a raspberry dessert tea. It might just be the characteristic of the rooibos… it’s not terribly woody, but creamy and sweet instead. A great pairing!

I think that I like the birthday cake blend a bit more than this one, but this is certainly yummy. Thank you, Bluebird Tea!

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Tea (& Coffee) lover. Bookworm.

Favorite teas: Milk Oolong, Flavored blends, Dessert teas, Creamy Teas, Rooibos, Oolong, Black, Green
Dislikes: Spices, Peppery flavors, Cloves, Cardamom, Licorice, Peppermint, Cinnamon, Mate, Puerh, Chai, Ginger

My Rather Picky Ratings
90+ – Reserved for the very best! Always in the cupboard!
80-89 – Quite good! A very pleasing cup.
70-79 – Room for improvement, but not bad.
60-69 – Mediocre.
50-59 – Bad. Will not purchase.
49 & below – Depending on the more specific rating: Undrinkable. Yuck. Will not purchase.

Note: Teas in my cupboard are all of the teas that I’ve logged, regardless of their current presence in my actual cupboard. For an updated list on what teas I have available for swap, check out the swap thread and not my cupboard! Thanks!

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