This tea has received so many great reviews & I just had to try it. The idea of a marshmallow tea sounds delicious! Teas that have a ton of rave reviews sometimes make me a little bit nervous. I worry that they might not live up to all of the hype and in the end, I just get disappointed.
I love the mini marshmallows and the glittery sprinkles. The scent of the dry leaf is very much like store-bought vanilla frosting. After water has been added, it still retains that sweet scent, but now has the mild black tea base.
Sipping… Hmm.. this tea is very sweet and does taste like marshmallows! It’s a bit like Lucky Charms marshmallows, but that’s okay with me. The more I sip this tea, the more it tastes a little watered down. I used plenty of leaf for the cup, but maybe that’s just the nature of this blend. I can’t taste the black tea base at all, but I think a stronger base would overshadow the marshmallow. As I near the bottom of my cup, I realize that I don’t really like this & it gets more funky the more I drink. Something just doesn’t sit right with me and my tastebuds. It’s got a sugary metallic flavor that lingers in my mouth. Happy to have tried this blend, but it’s just not for me.
You know, I’ve noticed a consistancy of that, least with the dessert teas, that the 1st sip would be great and the rest…kind of watered down and even boring. Finding it kind of annoying actually.