1113 Tasting Notes
The Trails of LBZ, Case 2 of 6
(Liquid Proust search for his favorite laser beam zensheng)
Came hoe pretty excited about going into my second LBZ; which can be confirmed as it is through YS. This one had the color of a roasted oolong would generally have and a smell that was actually picked up unlike the other LBZ that I could not smell. Very similar in taste, but a tad different in the feeling.
Brewed this one a few different ways and ended up getting most most out of it at 15 to 20 seconds. A mild mouth feel that goes away quickly, not really something I can say is nice because I like mine to stick with me. At about the eighth steep I knew I was in trouble though. My head felt like it wasn’t all the way on :/
This kind of gave me a headache. It’s quite strong and a little darker and deeper than the other
So far this is stronger one, but as for the taste I do prefer the lighter one even if it doesn’t make me look at my screen and wander into the light and realize it isn’t on.
The Trails of LBZ, Case 1 of 6
(Liquid Proust search for his favorite laser beam zensheng)
A lot of chatter revolves around the three letters LBZ so I went through my stash and found five samples and bout another. A lot has been said about the vibes that this tea provides and I want to test out as many as I can; if you have some and would be open to a swap please PM me!!!
The dry leaf has nothing speaking to me so I went ahead and gave it a quick bath. The freshly wet leaf smells kind of murky and I don’t like it very much, however after a few minutes the smell is appealing. This was kind of odd to realize as I don’t know what changes the aroma in a freshly bathed leaf versus one that had dried off a bit.
The first steep threw me off as I was expecting something a little more upfront with me as I invited it into my house. First thing I noticed was the texture; pretty thick. Rather mild to the taste, which I favor, but even into steep two there is no tingle or warmth in my mouth anywhere. Liquid is going down quickly as I sip it with a nice smooth taste; just wish the texture left something behind for me to feel. With no bitterness and a creamy texture, I’m looking forward to some more steeps… just hope I end up upside down or feel different.
On steep four only 35 minutes of being home from work and my mom calls because she has a flat tire and my dad is out of town. Putting this trail on pause…
Random story time: So I drive through 40 minutes of traffic to get my mom, which I’m 100% okay with because I love her and all, but… she never informed me that the van doesn’t have a spare tire. This van didn’t even come with one, it just has a large deep trunk; come on!
Anyways, I started back on this tea by a flash steep. First two steeps were as I just remembered two hours ago; thick and easy going. Notes of squash and roasted vegetables arose (for me at least). Still no lingering mouth feel or body warmth, but I think I have some tea high coming along because my neck is becoming a spring by the sixth steep; for those who are curious on that amount, it’s roughly 2 ounces per steep so I’m at 12 ounces.
At this point I’m curious to see the maths of this tea. $170 for a full cake at YS which is 250g, so it’s at .68 cents a gram; therefore I am going to push it to about 15 steeps and write more because the taste is staying without bitterness and slightly roasted light vegetables with a thick texture.
So… DAYMN, this tea just kicked my ass. While there was no warmth at the sixth steep, at about the tenth steep I realized that the top of my head was sweating and that life was sideways. Overall qi feeling is a bit different than the 2011 Bang Wei that turned me into a wet noodle. This certainly is strong and it makes my head feel like it was put into something and knocked on its side.
Sadly it’s teas like this that make me contemplate if oolong really is the best type of tea. See , these crazy strong raw pu’erh tend to provide a feeling that is not explainable until someone tries it.
Really hoping the other three I have from YS and then TU are similar because I foresee myself buying all sheng with the word bang in it.
Random questions:
1. Anyone else drive without a spare?
2. Where else should I shop for LBZ?
Anyone have http://www.aliexpress.com/item/Pu-er-Raw-Tea-Lao-Man-E-LaoShuBanZhang-Old-Tree-Ban-Zhang-Sheng-Cha-400g/32220909278.html?spm=2114.01010208.3.115.hrBjM1&ws_ab_test=searchweb201556_9,searchweb201602_3_10017_10005_10006_10034_10021_507_10022_10020_10018_10019,searchweb201603_9&btsid=ac405d07-3a64-4c54-95f9-2eaa027bbc3c or this one http://www.aliexpress.com/item/Pu-er-raw-tea-2014-Lao-Man-E-LaoShuBanZhang-Old-Arbor-Ban-Zhang-Sheng-tea-400g/32220498073.html?spm=2114.01010208.3.200.hrBjM1&ws_ab_test=searchweb201556_9,searchweb201602_3_10017_10005_10006_10034_10021_507_10022_10020_10018_10019,searchweb201603_9&btsid=ac405d07-3a64-4c54-95f9-2eaa027bbc3c for me to try? Wish King Tea had samples
The Lao Man’E will have a much more pronounced bitter note to it. I would stick to people that have the ‘Real’ stuff. There is so much forgery and demand for LBZ that it is readily faked by many companies. It may have 2% LBZ and they market it as such. Buy from where you trust.
The one you link above may not actually be LBZ it may be Lao Man E Lao Ban Zhang Tea Company which is the name of a tea company that King Tea sells.
Yeah Scott has the legit stuff. If you noticed he hasn’t restocked any in a while because of the issues above. That and Chen Shen Hao locked up about 90% of the mountains production driving the pricing way up. Ruined the mountain in my opinion.
Here is a real LBZ from King Tea. It is a bit pricy though.
So I should buy this ASAP because of the price? http://teaurchin.com/chen-sheng-yi-hao-2010-spring.html
If you notice that is a blend of Banzhang and Bulang material, I’d be surprised if it was more than 10% Banzhang.
There is always this although who knows if it is real.I do know the company is legit.
Hmmm…. I would 4 way split that cake. Maybe even splitting this http://store.thechineseteashop.com/2013_100_Lao_Ban_Zhang_Collector_Edition_p/pugc-13-lbz.htm
If the Awazon people collected the leaves in 2006 that could account for the low price. In 2006 LBZ was not yet expensive. I have not generally seen Awazon raise prices because they could so maybe it is real.
Pretty much anything labeled lbz is either an outright lie, very small part of the blend or probably the worst maocha from there. The real and good stuff ranges from a thousand to thousands usd a kilo. The same goes for almost all other famous regions except their yield is so small that it never actually makes it to market. Like bingdao, unless you have a crazy connect or get lucky to know someone that has the real thing youll probably never get a chance to drink it, there is that little of the real thing, maybe a few hundred cakes pressed a year. All of those are spoken for long before anything is sold publicly
This is probably the most delicate green oolong I’ve ever seen. The smell and taste both make this a green tea to me though. It may have some viscosity that I would say oolong has in character that green tea may not, but that’s about it.
Really enjoy cup of tea during the spring and summer for sure, but I think I’ll stick with the normal baozhong BTTC has because I don’t foresee having the time to sit down and just enjoy sipping at this as it has subtle notes that need concentration to notice and I will miss out on them for the moment. However, I was able to rebrew this four times which I wouldn’t do with a green tea so that makes it more valuable to me as I look for a nice tea for spring when I do have the time for a hike; which will always include BTTC dragonwell because it’s hands down the best I’ve ever seen, tasted, or heard of.
So now I know what it is like to have buyers remorse for those who buy YQH and do all they can to make it taste better than it is because of the price tag…
Tea Urchin is my go to place for high end stuff that makes e feel good, but this one did not do that. I should have read more about it online to know it wasn’t within my own preferences of a tea, but when there’s a group buy and you get deals… TRY EVERYTHING!
This particular sheng is in the medium to dark range for a sheng. Typically I like my raw tea to have essence of flower or fruit making it seem like it was a cake worth breeding with things that the bees like, not that the flies like; which leads me to this dark, damp wet hay. Some people really enjoy that taste, I do not.
I am in luck though, I can put 25g of this in the pu’erh TTB that is coming around :)
However, I need to find someone to swap the rest with because I won’t drink this… I’m becoming pickier with my sheng; but not my beengholes :P
p.s. for reference, I did steep this 14 times because it last and I love me some TU so it was hard hard hard to go ‘this is the first one I don’t want to hold onto’
If someone has “buyer’s remorse” with YQH they can send it right to me – I will give it a loving home right up until it goes down my neck and I will savor every drop.
I know of at least four people, but that only surfaced after I made a remark; seemed like they didn’t want to because nobody is making those comments.
I’m sorry but “do all they can to make it taste better than it is because of the price tag” is pretty insulting. Why would I even want make stuff up? I’ve spent countless hours talking to people, reviewing and discussing these teas not to spread misinformation but to educate myself and other on what they are all about. On top of that I sampled up nearly half a cake out of pocket the last few months to people that asked about trying certain cakes.
Also to label the whole brand as overpriced, hyped or whatever is shortsighted. You have 3 reviews posted here on steepster, maybe you tried more Idk but there were 39 different teas being offered by Mr Yang and Emmett. Imagine trying 3 teas from any vendor, not loving them and then saying well they all must suck cause these did, seems a bit silly no?
You and others didn’t like them? That’s cool, there are plenty of teas I don’t like that lots of people love. I respect their opinion and they respect mine, like Cwyn said in her blog post, no one can tell you what tastes best to your taste buds.
I don’t want to make it sound like you attacked me personally cause you didn’t. Just like you said you speak for people with buyers remorse, I believe I speak for the people that are very happy with how they spent their money.
@Grill it actually isn’t insulting because if you read it in context it is in regards to those who experience buyers remorse. In regards to the amount I’ve tried; that’s the way things are realistically as I give a band 3 songs or a tv show 3 episodes before I decide to give more time to it (which is what money is)
There is just no way I’ll find an old leather taste to be appealing, but I’m always up to keep trying which is what I have been doing. I am the same with White2Tea: I’ve tried over 12 of their raw teas and I’ve only liked one…
Thought about the English language and realized that you could say that my comment could have offended you… but it wouldn’t be me who did it but rather those I have spoke to who explained that they too like me couldn’t find a way to enjoy the YQH samples that they had tried. Considering it all comes down to opinions it’s pointless to argue; we know Bernie is a better canidate then Trump, Honda makes better cars than Ford, wheat bread is better than white, Star Trek is better than Star Wars, oh and oolong is the best type of tea. I suppose I don’t realize that people don’t know me so reading my comments are tough. I’m just some dude drinking tea and spilling thoughts from the top of my head. No expectations at all. However, maybe I should review what I say and how I say it. Either way, I come to Steepster without much rereading or monitoring so that could be what I look into changing next for myself.
Data was hands down the best character on tv of all time. The entire human idenity is his character. Now that’s just one element of Star Trek. I suppose I’ll clarify: Star Trek TNG > Star Wars 4, 5, 6, and that recent remake where there is a larger Death Star in it but this time it blows up planets before it’s destroyed. TNG is hands down 110% more intellectually stimulating than Star Wars.Anyone who starts and finishes TNG will have gained an experience that just… It makes life better.
Voyager was not better than pretty much anything, except possibly Enterprise. DS9 was meh. TNG was MIGHTY but still not better than Star Wars, but close. Because Worf.
I have nothing against Star Wars. A good action movie, but Star Trek always intrigued me. I haven’t seen enterprise and am on season 4 of Voyager right now. TNG was my favorite. DS9 was close. What it lacked in “exploration” it made up for delving deeply into spiritual matters on many levels, and different types of ethical questions as other series. VOY and TOS are tied for me so far. To keep things on topic, I like watching Star Trek while drinking tea ;)
I’m a fan of Star Trek and Star Wars (and Doctor Who), but Stargate: SG-1 will probably always be #1 for me.
I’m with you on the YQH MzPriss. I dunno how people have “buyers remorse” with samples but am pretty sure anyone with cakes could find a new home for them fairly easy. Especially when there are price changes coming and declining inventory. Thanks for your comments and reviews Grill. I learned a lot from you and James and appreciate the time and effort you put into it. While I like some of the YQH line better than others my only regret is that I couldn’t get more… As they say, there is no accounting for taste. peace
I woke up this morning knowing I needed a serious tea to power me for some cleaning that needed to be done. I grabbed this on because EOF is expensive so I made a dumb association with $ to qi.
This was quite nice. Chest warming and a mild head feel with a taste that mellowed out by steep four; became quite nice but I think that it does need a few more years. The mouth pucker is almost, ALMOST, gone. Probably only 2 years of some storage on this and it will be golden. The only negative aspect to this tea is that it is on the darker spectrum of sheng, to which people will continue to hear me say that I like my light sheng.
Ranting time:
Last night I had some friends over and we were talking about how one of my friends was kicked out of the church because he took a stance that homosexuality is not a sin… as difficult of a conviction that such a thing can be right now with things happening in the US and the church figuring out how to respond, it’s just beating me up. So, anyways, if only it was that simple!
My parents ended up joining us and it’s only around my friends that I discuss such things because I know that they will throw the: ’ I thought we taught you better’ and make me feel as if they ‘failed’ me…
My stance on not understanding psychological and biologic implications to life choices leads me to believe that this whole issue revolving around gay marriage is stupid. The condemnation has now put me in a position were I may not speak to my parents as much because they think that my thoughts are tainted and I’m not sure if I can channel my love for them to see past these negative comments that they spread to the rest of our family. Stupid ass drama that doesn’t need to occur; my thoughts do not change the way in which I act. Whether I think A or B is right or wrong, I’ll always treat people with respect and treat them as I would want to be treated.
Tears are shed as I lose my family because of my own thoughts which now define me…
p.s. that friend who was kicked out was a pastor and it was done via email; for real?
Dude, I know exactly how you feel. I grew up in a Southern Baptist household and my best friend, of 14 years now, is gay. He also used to be an active member of my parents church. In fact, we met at this church (lolz how times change). There were many, many times that I had serious conversations with my parents that inevitably devolved into arguments because my parents were incapable of understanding at it’s root that it’s just not a choice. Eventually, things came to a head when their church pastor spoke out one Sunday around the same time the US was legalizing marriage for the LGBT community and started saying things like, “Real Christians will vote against this.” I don’t like people thinking for me, and I sure as hell am not going to sit and listen to some pastor telling me that the person who has willingly been there for me and been the best friend I could ever ask for was going to Hell, solely for being gay. Fuck you, breh. That’s not what my Christ teaches. So I started looking around and I now consider myself part of the Presbyterian Church of USA (PCUSA, not to be confused with the archaic PCA). Their beliefs are more in line with my own, and they consider spirituality and religion to be a very personal journey, to be defined by free-thinking individuals under the tutelage and guidance of the church who focuses around the ministry of Jesus more than some Old Testament verse that is surrounded by controversy and misinformation, even amongst scholarly circles.
Whew! I didn’t mean to blow you up, I just say that to say, if you wanna talk about it, I’m all ears. I’ve mostly retained my faith through the whole ordeal, but it’s definitely caused me to view differently how I integrate my religion and spirituality into my life. :)
AS Christ drew the symbol in the sand and asked who among you is without sin? I ask you those who are withut sin cast the first stone. Then said “Those that condemned you are not here. I condemn you not”. As the Bible said “Judge not lest ye be judged”. It is to be judged by God not any of us here on earth.
God made us and loves us for who we are. No matter what. Else fore, why would he have sent his son to save us all. Jesus was asked how much do you love them. He said this much an spread out his arms to be nailed and crucified for us.
He loves us all as we are.
I’m sorry you are going through this, LP. I have been surprised and touched by religious people here treating me with kindness and respect. A friend and I parted ways not too long ago because he was always fast to tell me that my ‘lifestyle’ was an abomination to God. I have been told and have told others that God created us in His image so did not create anyone who is imperfect. Thank you LP and thank you, too, mrmopar for being kind, generous, decent, caring, open minded people.
I wouldn’t give up on them. My long experience with conservative religious people is they are likely to change a stance when confronted with someone they love, given time. The key is an issue that is close to home, not just a hypothetical moral dilemma. When one’s own child is gay, that hits home more than someone else’s child. Look at Dick Cheney, if he can become an advocate for gay rights, nobody is a lost cause.
Christ died for everyone! :) there are far worse things out there. And I’ve been guilty of one of them. But Jesus loves me and died for me. Remember this, if god did not care about you, me or anyone, Christ would never been born. Keep your head up! Enjoy the good things of life that’s what god likes. When we do that and care about others. I care about you.
I don’t know you and you don’t know me, but your comment struck a chord in me. As a gay female who is, incidentally, an atheist and someone who cut family ties early in life… well, I’m often dumbstruck by the willful ignorance and disrespect that I see people direct at one other as if doing so were a badge of honor. It’s a wonder that anyone has the unmitigated gall to tell others who & how they should love and to pass such harsh judgments upon their character and worth as people is… wow. Just… wow.
That said, it’s always reassuring when I see people such as yourself who, despite what personal dilemmas may come of it, choose tolerance over bigotry. I can’t speak to reconciling theological morals and family dynamics, but I do hope that open minds and open hearts prevail.
@Teazilla The most important part is keeping dialog and not being exclusive with conversations. Why people won’t discuss comes out to what I find to be ridiculous answers… as if they have the plague or something.
@Kirk Nobody should dismiss someone because of their thoughts. If I acted on my thoughts in a way that harmed someone sure, but meerly just saying I believe this or that shouldn’t be enough to put me in a category of people someone can’t talk to.
@mrmopar exactly… and I had thought that the Golden Rule stretched beyond all people as a simple practice, but I continue to learn it doesn’t :(
@whiteantlers I never let the people speak or act for me which I believe causes some disconnect with religion nowadays. People tend to associate the actions of one for the whole group; it’s understandable, I helped a friend work through prejudices that kept her from religion all together because of a tragedy (sister was raped by a pastor on church grounds). This is the same reason that any type of people get prejudged to do or act a certain way which is wrong. Everyone is different and at the least deserves their chance.
@Cwyn I still have a lot in me, but it’s really hard when your mother gets on the phone with your family to tell them that her son (being me) is going to hell… just not the kind of thing I would like to be said around my family because of my thoughts. It’s really awkward at family events now; especially the time I told my mom I was Baha’i and she believes anyone who is non Christian is atheist so everyone kept saying they were praying I’d find God again…
@Shade I hope people can get past private affairs of one another as well so we can communicate without such anger and disgust. It really takes a lot out of someones day to think about the private life of two people who are attracted to the opposite sex and then bash them; it’s as if you’re missing life that can be lived by following a passion instead of tearing another one apart. I don’t get it… I mean, I tell people oolong is the best type of tea and I believe that but if they say otherwise I say cool and then it’s to the next topic.
@All Every year my beliefs change because I encounter new people and learn new ways to view things. As Kahlil Gibran explains things, you really have to travel around the mountain and not just up and down it to figure out the angles. The coolest part about all of this is how much dialog I have with those who drink tea about these matters or I get to speak to those I never would be able to because of the internet.
Thanks for your thoughts all :)
@lquidproust your right! you’ve been so kind to me and i appreciate that. you are a good fellow and friend :)
@liquidproust ive done terrible things in my life and to have people be friends with me. it’s such a blessing.
It’s morning and I’m preparing for the weekend with some 6 year old lao cha. Smooth, dark, and somewhat creamy :)
Just wanted to pop on and say that while I’m 25+ teas behind on reviewing: I really feel like Steepster is an escape for me. Nobody from Facebook comes over here to stalk me or anything like that so I am able to treat it like a journal in a way where .
I’ve been using tea to keep busy as well which is making it take on a different role in my life and I don’t like it. I want to continue to like tea and not treat it like an obligation but a privilege to spread about. Sometimes I wonder if I take on too much but then I’m like, ‘na…. you’d regret it if you didn’t do all this.’
Ripe in the morning, sheng for better and the best stuff in the middle like an oreo; oolong all day long.
I think most of us go through stages where we don’t want to write reviews, etc. but just sit a enjoy a tea. Don’t let some imagined obligation prevent you from just having fun.
I just got home from work and was going to review some tea from yesterday while I drank this, but I’m on the third steep and this is all I have to say:
Imagine you are about to eat mac n’ cheese but someone forgot the cheese.
That’s this tea. It’s so… bleh, and something serious is missing. Just no depth and my entire bottom mouth feels like nothing was there…
http://i.imgur.com/zNfdEis.jpg (contains an obscenity, if you’re not into that)
Yesterday I came home and had a headache so I took about 10g of this and dropped it in my kyusu. This is not normal for me… 10g is a lot of loose leaf to use at once.
I steeped this five times and had really strong and thick liquid. Really enjoyable, but I can’t make a remark on the tea for what it should taste like when correctly brewed.
In general: San Lin Xi is some of my favorite anyways because TU sold me all that 89 and it’s lovely :)
I have drank this on different occasions now because I really wanted to say it… but, this is not quality ‘aged’ oolong. Mine was in one of those August 14g bags and I drank it at least 10 steeps each time because the idea was really cool, but… let down.
I need to try some other August stuff sometime to see if either their audience is different then I or if this was just a fluke or something else
I’ve tried this one, Low Country and Passage du Desir and did not care for them. To my tastebuds, the heavy handed flavoring masks low quality tea.
Castalia was interesting to me but I wasn’t in love with it. I actually liked Passage du Desir because it was chocolaty enough for me to not add sweetener.
Drinking this at work right now… This is literally a black tea dancong. No doubt. I’m calling it.
Really really good. Changes flavor throughout steeps in a nice way.
Yeah. Black dancong. The end; plus yum.
Been thinking about picking up some of these.